NYS Microstamping Bill

Please contact your New York State Assembly Members about A09819. We need to kill this one quick.

Remember, politely worded, mailed, letters speak louder than emails.


Prof. A. Wickwire
A09819 Summary:

BILL NO A09819

SAME AS No same as


COSPNSR Englebright, Eddington, Paulin, Lafayette, Benedetto, Dinowitz,

MLTSPNSR Glick, Gottfried, McEneny, Pheffer

Rpld & add S265.00 sub 21, amd SS265.10 & 265.15, add S265.38, Pen L

Requires semiautomatic weapons manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer
in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition; establishes fines for
violations of this requirement.

A09819 Actions:

BILL NO A09819

01/23/2008 referred to codes

A09819 Votes:

A09819 Memo:


TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the penal law, in relation to requiring
semiautomatic weapons manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer
in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition; and to repeal
subdivision 21 of section 265.00 of such law relating thereto

PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: Requires all semiautomatic weapons to
be equipped with a microscopic array of characters that identify the
make, model, and serial number.

SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: This legislation repeals subdivision 21
of section 265.00 of the penal law and a new subdivision 21 is added
that all semiautomatic weapons manufactured or delivered in New York
after January 1, 2010 shall be capable of micros tamping ammunition.

JUSTIFICATION: Microstamping technology would give law enforcement a
tool that will provide evidence to help investigate, arrest, and convict
more people who use semiautomatic handguns in crimes. As the gun is
fired, information identifying the make, model, and serial number of the
gun is stamped onto the cartridge as numbers and letters. This technolo-
gy is designed to aid law enforcement officials investigating homicides
and other crimes by allowing them to trace firearms through cartridge
casings found at crime scenes. It will provide rapid leads at many crime
scenes which is so important in the first crucial hours after a homi-

Microstamping will help reduce gun trafficking of new semiautomatic
handguns by creating accountability. Legal purchasers who buy guns for
traffickers (straw buyers) will be deterred once they know crimes
committed with these guns can be traced directly back to them.


FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: This legislation will not impose new costs on the
state of New York. No new database is required. No new employees need to
be hired by law enforcement or the state.

Manufacturers will incur minimal costs to adopt the new technology. The
anticipated cost is to be between fifty cents and one dollar per

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2010.

Revolvers and brass stolen from ranges are going to become really popular with the criminals in NY. Not to mention hackers messing with the database(s) if this goes through.
Manufacturers will incur minimal costs to adopt the new technology. The
anticipated cost is to be between fifty cents and one dollar per

If I were a firearm manufacturer, I would log my firing pin identification to the cheapest, slowest and least network-able computer I could think of, in the least organized fashion possible.

I'm thinking a 386-class PC with 8MB of RAM, running Novell Netware 3 on an IPX-only network with no internet access.

It's minimal cost to implement, just as the bill states, and there are no teeth in the bill to force me to implement an online searchable database for law enforcement purposes. They can drive/fly to my factory in another state and sit at the terminal.
From what I have read, the system is under Pat to one company. Soul Source. It has been proven that the characters on the cartridge are mostly unreadable on a discharged cartridge.

The whole concept is stupid, unfunctional, and just will not work.

It the BG steals a weapons and uses it in a crime, If the Micro Stamps are legible, It still will not prove the registered owner pulled the trigger.

This is just another Ploy to Register Fire Arms!:barf:
I cant imagine making the machinery that microstamps all that info on a brass will only cost "50 cents per firearm" Besides , whats the use of the microstamping stuff, if someone uses a brass catcher on their gun. Whose the friggin TARD that came up with this genious plan?
They can kiss my a$$. I will just go to Vermont or Penn to buy my semi auto rifles/shotguns.

This bill will never pass... the upstate politicians will never go for it. Most of the boobs that footed this bill are from the downstate region.
So the southern NY folks are now trying to emulate Kalifornia. Will the try to establish the condor in NY so they can ban lead bullets too??