NYPD union sue, this is kind of funny.


New member
NEW YORK - A police union is going to federal court to challenge a New York Police Department policy to administer breath tests for alcohol to officers who kill or wound someone in the line of duty.

Patrolmen's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said Thursday that the 24,000-member union would challenge the new sobriety tests on constitutional grounds, arguing they violate protections against unreasonable searches.

"There is no reason or justification to subject an officer who legally fires a weapon ... to the humiliation and psychological trauma of a mandatory Breathalyzer test," Lynch said in a statement.

In response, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said he was standing by a policy which, according to written order, is meant "to ensure the highest levels of integrity at the scene of firearms discharges."

Kelly announced in June that he would adopt the breath-test measure based on police recommendations to study its undercover operations, amid community outrage over the police shooting of Sean Bell.

Bell, 23, was killed and two of his friends were seriously wounded in a 50-bullet barrage after his bachelor party at a topless bar in November 2006. Some of the undercover officers had been allowed by the department to consume up to two drinks at the bar to preserve their cover

A few things stand out.

The city of NY and it's officers subject people to situations that are more embarassing, yet they cry about blowing into a device.

Also the drinking on the job thing kind of throws me off.

I bet if they caught one of those rare legal concealed carriers carrying with two drinks in 'em that person would be in jail and would never be allowed to carry again.
Patrolmen's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said Thursday that the 24,000-member union would challenge the new sobriety tests on constitutional grounds, arguing they violate protections against unreasonable searches.

"There is no reason or justification to subject an officer who legally fires a weapon ... to the humiliation and psychological trauma of a mandatory Breathalyzer test," Lynch said in a statement.

I didn't realize that Breathalyzer tests were so humiliating and psychologically traumatizing. Maybe if I ever end up in a state that does random DUI checkpoints I'll bring that up. Since I'm just legally driving my car and all.
Good point you bring up JuanCarlos.

If this does come to pass, can I turn down a breathalyzer and keep driving?
PS. Every saturday night I get stopped in atleast one DUI checkpoint.
The police know Breathalyzers are inherently unreliable. While they have no problem using them on people they pull over, they don't want to risk their job on an unreliable machine.
If an undercover officer wants to blend in on the job, they can go to the bar and ask for a tonic water, and pretend it's a G&T. They can get a nonalcoholic beer and pour it in a glass.

Blending in does not require actual consumption of a substance that dulls judgement and reaction any more than officers on vice squad have to actually sleep with the johns.
If an undercover officer wants to blend in on the job, they can go to the bar and ask for a tonic water, and pretend it's a G&T. They can get a nonalcoholic beer and pour it in a glass.

Unless the bar itself is being investigated... or the bartender has friends who he tells, "Hey, those guys have been here two hours and have only drank Coke."

I have no problem with them having a drink or two as long as they remain under what is considerred the legal driving limit. Far more people are killed by cars than guns.

As far as the test... If I am coorect train engineers and ship's pilots in accidents are given tests, even if the accident was not their fault. The truth is not only are the breathalizer not 100% but the Blue Wall of Silence will do whatever possible to cover up for other cops in NYC.
Wow, where do you live? Seems like that would get to a point where checkpoints are not as random and effective as originally intended.

A bit of sarcasm... I have been stopped at DUI checkpoints a few times, or just caught in the traffic one creates.
just another reason against unions. seriously, i want to like unions but it's all messed up. my full time job I have a class A cdl. if i get into an accident i'm required to take a bac. I think it's not unreasonable to ask them to do the same. Employers can make many requests of the employee, if they don't like it, they can look elsewhere for work.
its tough

The officers of the NYPD don’t appreciate being considered criminals after going through a firefight in the line of duty. They put their life on the line, receiving almost no pay. They survive the firefight, and people accuse them of murder. Kinda like calling the gi’s baby killers when they come back from nam.
yes it I embarrassing. It is a slap in the face.
I don’t think it’s so much the breath tests but the gesture behind, it.

As far as ordering a tonic water, keep in mind sometimes these officers are undercover for months or even years. Yes they do have to delve into the part, or their lives will be on the line.
Since their job may require them to make life-or-death decisions, often with the lives of others, I think its only fair to hold them to the highest posible standards. If their judgement may be all that decides if somone lives or dies, I think that judgement should not be altered by any intoxicating substance. I support the dept in giving the breathalizer tests, and if it doesnt already, I think they should do frequent drug testing as well.
The officers of the NYPD don’t appreciate being considered criminals after going through a firefight in the line of duty. They put their life on the line, receiving almost no pay. They survive the firefight, and people accuse them of murder. Kinda like calling the gi’s baby killers when they come back from nam.
yes it I embarrassing. It is a slap in the face.
I don’t think it’s so much the breath tests but the gesture behind, it.

I can assure you they make good money.

do you have many friends or family in the NYPD? compared to other PDs around the country, and compared to most other jobs in nyc they are almost many of them are almost at poverty level.
IMO police officers are severly underpaid for what they do and put up with. No way would I put my life on the line for what they are paid. However, truck drivers if involved in an accident involving any injuries are required to submit to a drug and alcohol screen test. What's the difference?
it's the same thing that happened when my department put camera's in the cruisers. (i'm an aux, NOT a real officer, though I ride with them.) it helps protect the good, honest cops, and it's been proven over the past few years. I've heard, second hand from officers " as soon as the lawyer saw the tape the suit was dropped."
Same with this, why give the public any more ammunition aka "they where drunk, on drugs..." No one is above the law, but all are judged by it.and the liberal cop hating press.
Again, I am a professional truck driver ( I went into that field because it does pay better then leo) but as a professional, i'm not out to hurt anyone, but come any mva (accident) i am required to pee in a cup. Federal law I think. BTW, I don't get paid for my testing time, but I believe there unions do require it. So the only reason SOME could see that they are against being tested is if they have used drugs or been drinking above department limits.
I dont find anything wrong with being tested.
I wouldnt want a officer who is impaired confronting me and making the wrong decision.
I would hazard to say this is the intent of the law.

Drinking on the job is a big no-no where ever you go.

And yes Im having a beer as I write this,im not against having a few myself but not when im at work.