NYC Owners Beware.

A few days ago my doorbell rang at 9PM.
I opened the door to see two police officers--complete with body armor & NYPD raid jackets-- outside asking me about a pump shotgun that I bought in Long island in 2004.
(NYC residents need a rifle/shotgun permit to own long guns, which is not required anywhere else in the state.)
When I told them that I was an active peace officer ( hence exempt from these laws) they acted embarrassed and then asked if I had my ID handy.
I invited them upstairs where they could check it in a more private setting.
After all was squared away they told me that they are part of a joint task force assigned to check "yellow forms" at out of town gun shops and see if any NYC resident without a permit has bought any long guns.
Fair warning--like it or not if you live in the 5 Boros do not buy any NYC banned long guns, and make sure your others are legally registered.
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That's sad. If these are not issue weapons, why do you get to be exempt? Not trying to start something, just wondering why some animals are more equal.
Quite futile when contrasted to non-law abiding citizens owning guns. NYC police are instructed to check on weapons that leave a paper trail. Many weapons without paper are lost to the criminal world yet these are the weapons that require a 9 PM knock on the door by NYC officers. So much for gun registration being an effective tool for controlling crime.

Love my Louisiana.
NYC residents need a rifle/shotgun permit to own long guns

Is consenting to periodic checks, a prerequisite to obtaining that permit?

So basically...they are searching for non-permitted gun ownership, and using a permit list to find non-compliance? Bad stuff.
I can't wait for this $#!T to go down in flames. I don't know how these officers can do this with a straight face. :confused:

How can this be justified as an efficient use of increasingly scarce department resources, as long as there are pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and crack/meth dealers that are not yet apprehended? This is awfully close to tyranny in my opinion.
How can this be justified as an efficient use of increasingly scarce department resources, as long as there are pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and crack/meth dealers that are not yet apprehended? This is awfully close to tyranny in my opinion.

Its simple. In NYC, anyone who wants to legally exercise their Second Amendment rights is viewed as morally equal to the criminals you referred to in your post.

When I lived it Brooklyn, one of my neighbors was returning from a hunting trip, and had his rifle in a hard case. While he was walking from his car....which was in his driveway...into his house, one of the neighbors called 911 and said there was a man with a gun on the block. Four patrol cars showed up, lights and sirens blaring. They banged on his door with guns drawn, and put him in cuffs when he opened up the door. I would imagine the cops did this because they assumed he was brandishing his rifle and they thought they were dealing with a lunatic. Then, the lady that called 911 came out and told the cops to arrest him for having the gun. They figured she witnessed him brandishing a gun so they wanted her story. She told them that she called the cops when she saw the guy walking into the house with the rifle case. They checked his papers then let him apology to the guy, no admonishment for the lady (lemme tell you, this broad was a swift pain in the you know what....she used to call the cops if she saw kids riding their bikes without helmets, she'd turn people in for not recycling...and the best part? Her son was a junkie...she was a real joy to live near!). That's what gun owners in NYC have to deal with....that place was a joke.
If you are required to consent to these searches in order to obtain a permit that is ridiculous. Having to give up your fourth amendment rights to exercise your second amendement rights seems ripe for a legal challenge.
Do we have any NYC cops as members here? If so please enlighten me...

I am curious how you sleep at night after harassing law abiding citizens all day? I know a job is a job, but my pride and sense of wrong and right is more important than a paycheck. If I got an order to do something like that, I would tell my sargeant to kiss off.

You couldn't find a cop within 100 miles of me willing to walk up to a private residence and ask about the guns inside. People get shot for things like that around here.
Do we have any NYC cops as members here?

I thought the OP was. The whole thread reads like a churning of the in..."don't bring guns into town we have ways to find you."
As usual, I'm probably mistaken in my opinion which is likely biased...from years of not living in a police state like NYC.

Fair warning--like it or not if you live in the 5 Boros do not buy any NYC banned long guns, and make sure your others are legally registered.
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I know a job is a job, but my pride and sense of wrong and right is more important than a paycheck. If I got an order to do something like that, I would tell my sargeant to kiss off.

sometimes you gotta do those things in order to feed your family. Right or wrong, Police work is mainly politics and cops know this before they get into the field.

You couldn't find a cop within 100 miles of me willing to walk up to a private residence and ask about the guns inside. People get shot for things like that around here.

Texas is full of cop killers? :mad: If thats the case then, :barf:
After all was squared away they told me that they are part of a joint task force assigned to check "yellow forms" at out of town gun shops and see if any NYC resident without a permit has bought any long guns.

Good ol' Bloomberg at his finest.
You got that right.
Too bad he "changed" the law that we the people voted on for term limits.
Now he can run for a 3rd term, despite the votes of thousands.
Fair warning--like it or not if you live in the 5 Boros do not buy any NYC banned long guns, and make sure your others are legally registered.

Seems like the fact that doing so would be illegal should constitute "fair warning".:rolleyes:
Most antis are of the opinion that the desire to own a gun is reason to disqualify gun ownership. I feel we should turn this around on them, being an anti should be reason to prohibit them for running for office.

This thought is borrowed from the idea that any politician should be prohibited from holding office because the fact that he wants that kind of power is a sign that he should not have any authority at all.
Or tell them you do what CA owners do with their non-CA compliant arms store them out of jurisdiction. I know lots of CA residents that store their CA illegal weapons in Nevada.

Some of CA's most anti gun legislators have CCW permits, I find that a bit Hipocritical.