NYC LEO's again!

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New member
Ah only in New York! Another example of NYPD marksmanship:

Cops Gun down Hammer Man

"Four brooklyn cops, firing at least a dozen shots, last night blew away an emotionally disturbed hammer wielding man, touching off furious protest in Borough Park's Hasidic Community."

Looks like they had 10 hits out of 16 shots this time according to the NY Post. At least this time the perp was armed.

This will probably knock Hillary off of the front page for a day or two.
62.5% this time. Their marksmanship is improving, at least.

blew away an emotionally disturbed hammer wielding man,

Way to hit the emotional hot-buttons, guys.
"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited August 31, 1999).]
Hello guys?????

That is so incredibly far above the national average (around 25%) for the lat ten years that you guys should really be ashamed for mentioning it.

There is already another thread on this shooting, so I am locking this one down....

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