NY trigger issue


New member
I just replaced my standard trigger in my G36 with a NY-1 trigger and no connector change. Yes, I did it myself with help from glockmeister.com. Actually, it went quite well. The gun lets a bullet out when the trigger is pulled!! The problem is that when attempting to field strip the gun, the trigger moves forward when I'm pushing the slide forward. This stops the slide from comming off completely and I have to pull the trigger again to finish the slide removal. I'm sure it didn't work this way before the trigger change and I'm wondering if anyone else has had this occur?

Any help is appreciated:rolleyes:
Are you saying that after you remove the magazine, clear the chamber and pull the trigger, then move the slide slightly to the rear as you lower the takedown lever and then start moving the slide forward that you have to pull the trigger a second time?

Are you sure you're not moving the slide to the rear far enough to reset the trigger? Double check your actions and let us know.
Thanks for the quick reply.

I even tried moving the slide rearward slowly while exerting a slight upward movement on the takedown pins. This allowed me to "feel" exactly when the notch is at the right position. Still happens.
Why would you try pushing up on the takedown bar? The slide only has to move about 1/16th of an inch to the rear to free the takedown lever so that it can be lowered and the slide can then be moved forward and off.
Actually, I'm pulling down on the takedown bars. That was my mistake. remember that when I first pull down the takedown bars , the slide will move slightly forward as though all is ok. Then, I feel slight resistance as the slide is continued forward taking the trigger with it. The the slide stops after about 3/4 inch or so of forwatd movement. Then the only way I can continue forward slide movement is to reset to trigger to the rear.
forby, it's normal. My NY1-equipped Glock does the exact same thing.

After the slide passes the release point, I simply hold the trigger down to get it all the way off.

Ditto with what Elmo said.

I had the NY trigger installed on my G26, by a Glock Armorer, and it also does the same thing. The armorer who did it and other custom work to my Glocks, T. R. Graham of Ft. Worth, told me this would happen and not to worry about it. Take down is just slightly different with the trigger pull to release the slide. No big deal and it hasn't affected the operation of the pistol at all.

BTW, to anyone in the DFW area who wants custom work to their Glock, T.R. Graham does super work. He's usually at the DFW shows doing trigger jobs and other things. Look him up.
Thanks to all for the comforting words. If it's good enough for Glock then I guess it's good enough for me. This problem/solution has been the best example of the internet's capabilities.

Happy shooting!:) :)
I had the same problem with my father in laws 17 last week and called Glock........they said thats the way its supposed to work for whatever reason........they also sent me a new trigger assembly because the gun is 12 years old ........great service considering the trigger is fine.......no worries tho the NY spring will fit quite nicely in my tackle box G27.