NY Times whining again


Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting - Mailing list

October 27, 1999, New York Times

The Pro-Gun Congress

he Senate's approval in May of several common-sense gun control measures
raised hopes that Congress would respond to the massacre at Columbine High
School by making it harder for juveniles, felons and those with a record of
mental illness to obtain deadly firepower. But as President Clinton sadly
acknowledged this week, the House-Senate committee addressing the issue
remains deadlocked, which means that Congress is likely to go home without
doing anything on gun control.

Sadder still, Republican leaders are quite content with this dismal
denouement. "This is a pro-gun House," proclaimed the House majority whip,
Tom DeLay, recently, explaining the Republicans' refusal to accept the
reasonable Senate provision extending the Brady law's background check
requirement to all gun-show sales -- the major sticking point in the
negotiations. Indeed, Mr. DeLay has been using gun control as a fund-raising
tool. "Clinton and the anti-gun lobby are using the tragedies at Columbine
High School and Georgia to stop you exercising your right to own a gun and
protect your family!" he said in a recent letter.

Unless Congressional Republicans with the gumption to buck the National Rifle
Association suddenly emerge to shove their party in the right direction, gun
control will die, and a historic opportunity for progress will have been

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Let the bast....., er milksops whine. I wonder why "reasonable gun laws" always further restrict the honest person and not the criminal element. Could it be that those passing the "reasonable gun laws" have much in common with said criminal element? Could you imagine the whining and whimpering (correct spelling - not wimpering) if Congress passed, by veto proof margins, bills that revoked ALL federal mandated gun laws passed since 1934. Why, the Sarah Brady's of the world would tinkle in their undies.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Well, we may have to coin "WIMP-ering" to describe the Republicans' attempts to differentiate themselves from the Democrats! :D :D

As election time nears, look for more attempts by the Republicans to appear pro-gun. This will be their attempt to appear to be the "protector" of our rights. It is mere misinformation and misrepresentation.

Do not forget the anti-gun proposals the Republicans have promised us - which we previously documented in their own words.