NY Times reveals agenda, gives MoveOn huge discount


Curiouser and curiouser...


By CHARLES HURT Bureau Chief, NY Post

September 13, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - The New York Times dramatically slashed its normal rates for a full-page advertisement for MoveOn.org's ad questioning the integrity of Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq.

Headlined "Cooking the Books for the White House," the ad which ran in Monday's Times says Petraeus is "a military man constantly at war with the facts" and concluded - even before he testified before Congress - that "General Petraeus is likely to become General Betray Us."

According to Abbe Serphos, director of public relations for the Times, "the open rate for an ad of that size and type is $181,692."

A spokesman for MoveOn.org confirmed to The Post that the liberal activist group had paid only $65,000 for the ad - a reduction of more than $116,000 from the stated rate.

A Post reporter who called the Times advertising department yesterday without identifying himself was quoted a price of $167,000 for a full-page black-and-white ad on a Monday.

Serphos declined to confirm the price and refused to offer any inkling for why the paper would give MoveOn.org such a discounted price.

Citing the shared liberal bent of the group and the Times, one Republican aide on Capitol Hill speculated that it was the "family discount."

"I'm surprised they had to pay anything at all for the ad," the GOP staffer said. "They could have just asked the editorial page to run it and it wouldn't have cost them a cent."

Well, we knew what the NYT agenda was. Just interesting to see it laid bare.
Of course they are.

And interesting that they chose to do so for an ultra-left-wing hate group to run a character assassination "ad".
Is the NYTimes not entitled to grant favors for whomever or whatever it chooses?

yep. Im glad they did. Now they have clearly identified themselves as propagandists for the far left.

"All the News thats Fit to Print" has new meaning :)

WildtoobadiusedtolovetolayinbedonasundaywithwhoeverwasmygirlfriendatthetimeandreadthesundaytimesandeatbagelswithaschmeerAlaska TM
I remember hearing years ago that they never discounted their ad rates, so as to avoid any appearance of favoritism to a particular viewpoint. Long ago and far away, apparently..