NY State Micro-Stamping Bill

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
The bill that has already passed the state assembly is coming up for a vote in the Senate. The senate version is bill 4397. The bill was/is scheduled to be before committee at 1030am today.

NYers contact your state senator to urge them to oppose this bill! Here is the senate site to find your senator and contact them:


Here is a letter I sent to my state senator. Feel free to use any portion of it to contact your own senator.

Dear Senator XXXXX,

I am writing to urge you to oppose Senate Bill 4397.
Micro-stamping of firing pins is not a valid law enforcement or investigative tool. The costs associated with the program in other states has been well documented, without a single arrest or conviction based on the concept.
Micro-stamping would cause all handguns sold in NY state to go up in price. Price increases would only effect law abiding citizens. Criminals do not and will not buy legal weapons. As such, micro-stamping would only create an additional black market of "unstamped" guns.
Many firearms manufacturers would likely cease the sale of their products in NY state rather than fit their assembly lines with expensive machines for one, or a few, states. As a result, most semi-automatic handguns would likely no longer be available in NY state.
I believe that this bill is a "backdoor" attempt to affect a ban, first on handguns and eventually on all guns, in NY state. Such an attempt is a clear violation of both the Bill of Rights and NY state civil rights laws.
Support of second amendment rights and opposition to ill considered anti-gun laws is one of several "litmus tests" I use when considering which political candidates to support.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Your work on behalf of the people of NY state is greatly appreciated.

Does that bill actually have a chance of passing? Certainly would be a shame if it did, but not surprising given the general fear and dislike of guns in the NYC area.
It already passed the assembly. Of course, the assembly is much more radical left than the senate. I *doubt* it can pass the senate at this time but I'm not taking any chances and I'm making my opinion known for reelection time.
i sent an email to dave valesky

he is against the bill

hopefully, just besides voting against it, he can voice some of
our concerns about how the bill just isnt going to have anything
to do with making the citizens of ny state safer

i enumerated some of them to him:

the technology just isnt developed yet
criminals can get around it by replacing a hammer or filing it down
empty casings from other guns can be tossed at a crime scene
unfair costs passed on to manufacturers and buyers

so if this passes, not only will our bullets have a lawyer attached
to them, but our casings will too!

it is 32 dems to 30 repubs in the senate in ny
i dont think it is going to boil down to one side of the aisle against the other

it will be more like down state and big urban areas (buffalo, rochester,
albany, syracuse) versus the more rural areas...which means we could
be outnumbered

it could come to the floor by monday, june 8, so contact your state
senator now!
I signed Sen Libous' petition. he's always been on our side. My local Senator is against this also, but again, he's similarly been good on 2nd amendment issues. The real question is if some of the previous fence sitters will see the rising opinion in favor of 2nd amendment rights and vote the right way. if your regional senator is one of the back and forth voters, this is your chance to make a difference, DO IT!
Remind your senators of two things (if logic isn't working....which is a real possibility in this state):

They will be voting for a law which, if passed, grants a monopoly to the patent holders of this technology.

They will be forcing companies like Kimber to pack up and leave NYS, since they are manufactured in Yonkers, they will have to incorporate microstamping technology into all of their semi-auto pistols. In the economic climate we're facing now, maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be passing laws which will cause New Yorkers to lose their jobs, huh?
GOP regains control

Wow, so today two democrat senators in NY switched parties to give the GOP a 32-30 lead in the Senate. That puts the assembly in control of one party, and one senate in control of another. that microstamping bill might not make it after all.
Actually, they haven't changed parties as yet - just decided to, "Caucus", with the Republicans - has the same effect. Cam Edwards had a segment about it on NRA News last night. Go to http://www.nranews.com/#/newshttp://www.nranews.com/#/news, click on "Program Archive" near the top, then to, "June 08", on top of the window that opens on the right. Scroll down to, "Greg Costa" an hit that. The segment will play - interesting. The whole site is much better now than it was!
the senate is in complete disarray
dont know how things are going this morning but there were
reports that the senate chamber was going to be locked

but the bill can still come to the floor to be voted on

in fact, one of the proceedural rules instituted by
the new regime is that a bill can be introduced on
the floor and voted on almost instantaneously
none of this first reading, second reading and third reading in committee

so, even though some have said we are safe until
the next session...or the dust settles, you never know

so...we cant let our guard down...not even for a moment!
the senate is in complete disarray

Yeah, meaning that essentially nothing has changed.:rolleyes: At least now they can't do any damage for a little while, until they get the keys from the apparent 5 year old former majority leader.