NY Senate KO's Driver Lic. For Illegals

Funny how KO and OK mean such different things! I thought at first in the heading it was a typo till I read further on.


Interesting. Imagine it being harder to get a driver's license than a job? Is this a great country or what?
Imagine it being harder to get a driver's license than a job? Is this a great country or what?

Yeah, the nerve of those NY's. Thinking it should be illegal for illegals to have legal drivers license. Why I bet they might even think it is not legal for illegals to use social services free paid for by legal citizens. Common sense can be a dangerous thing. Next they will be doubting why they voted for Hillary....wow, this could be contagious!
Now for the real agenda. In order to get a drivers license under the new rules you will not have to provide a SS#, old license, or any proof of citizenship. Also, you can simply ask that the voter registration part of the license form be checked. So, now you can vote just showing your new drivers license. It does ask that you affirm that you are a citizen. I am sure all will be truthful in making that affirmation. So, now these illegals will be able to vote for the Governor Spitzer and the party that brought them this gift.

Some other small problems:

1) The main ID to board aircraft is drivers license. I guess terrorist won't think to go to NY and as for a license.

2) Drivers license is one of the main ID's for most social wlfare programs.

3) Did I mention mass voter fraud.

On the bright side I guess if you want a spare license you can just go to NY and get one for the asking. In fact, why not just resister to vote while you are applying. Heck, it might be worth the trouble to travel to NY so you can vote twice.
madmag: Heck, it might be worth the trouble to travel to NY so you can vote twice.
Just vote via absentee ballot. Maybe all of us should get one just so we can change the political climate of NY.
Just vote via absentee ballot. Maybe all of us should get one just so we can change the political climate of NY.

Maybe we should. We might be able to change NY states gun laws. Seriously, they said today on the news that all you will to do is show up at the license branch, give a name (no SS# or other ID) and then check the voter registration box. They are even saying that the clerks will not be allowed to challenge anyones claim that they are citizens. I guess you just give any address or name you want. I also assume no proof of insurance needed.

This has got to rank as one of the most stupid ideas proposed by any Governor in the history of the US.

Other interesting point. Hillary has not made any statement about this proposal. I am sure she will "craft" a response soon.
madmag you miss my point. I just think it is funny that guys could get jobs and work but couldn't get a drivers license. Just shows how lax they are on hiring practices or enforcement.
madmag you miss my point.

My mistake.

Not worth a separate thread, (I will hijack my own a little) but can you believe the liberal French. Talk about verifying immigrant status...how about DNA test.


Now that's being tough on immigration. I worked in France. In fact our company headquarters was in Paris. The French use to be very critical of the USA for not being tolerant of immigrants. Guess when it comes to your back yard things are different.
Illegal immigration has some cojones. Suffrage will be the next casualty--after national sovereignty and the Rule of Law.
The entire concept of "giving" people a drivers license who are felons is insanity in it's highest form. People who have broken the law MUST be prosecuted, not appeased by granting them the same rights citizens have.
Evidentally this guy Spitzer has zero common sense. But, the people of New York elected him..:barf:

Maybe it's good this happens. I think the results will be disastrous for everyone to see. Also, I think the airlines should require anyone with a NY license to have additional identification to board a plane.

Look at the difference in states. We moved here to SC a year ago. We had to turn in our old license, present birth certificates, social security cards (not just the number), proof of insurance, and proof we had residence in SC.

BTW, a while back for an entirely different reason, I looked up who has the right to require your social security number when you do business with them. The list is not long. This includes: department of labor, IRS, banks, hospitals, and drivers license bureaus.
Doestn't matter though... The State Assembly, with Socialist Sheldon Silver at the helm, stopped this in its tracks. Spitzer will move ahead as planned and I hope he does it! The moron has managed to turn 70% of the state against him and his own hubris refuses to let him see it. If anything keeps him to a single term this will be it!
Let's not lose sight of the real purpose of this sham, it's all about getting illegals the vote. When they get their license they can simply check the box that they want to reseter to vote. Then on voting day all they need is their drivers license for ID. Of course it is not really legal for illegals to vote, but that is just a minor issue when you know they will probably vote Democrat. If this happens, I hope someone goes to federal court to have the election results rejected due to voter fraud.
The State Assembly, with Socialist Sheldon Silver at the helm, stopped this in its tracks.

Are you sure on this (hope you are right)? I understood that the NY senate did pass a bill to stop this action, but when it went to the assembly they would not pass the bill to stop, so they supported Spitzer's actions. Here is the original link to the senate bill. I did also read that the polls are 70% against.


This is one thing Spitzer cannot change:


from the above:
(C) shall include a statement that--
(i) states each eligibility requirement (including citizenship);

You have to be a citizen to vote. If you lie about your status or attempt to vote anyway you are committing fraud. The way I understand the new NY proposal is that all they have to do is check the box to register to vote, then they can use their new license as ID on vote day. The clerks will not be allowed to challenge their citizenship. Yes they will be violating the law, but who cares if they vote Democrat. If illegals do vote using this loophole, then I think NY voting results can be challenged based on widespread voter fraud.
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When I said SIlver in the Assembly stopped it in its tracks aI meant the legislation coming out of the Senate. Silver is 100% behind Spitzer on this one. Silver though has just one uber left leaning district to contend with. He could propose Castro be awarded a medal and not have problems. SPitzer though has just shown all of NY State his true colors and most likely ended any possiblity of a second term (I HOPE!).