NY Right to Carry Conference


New member
For TFL'ers in the NY region,the annual Right to Carry conference is scheduled at 1PM Sunday, Oct 3 at the Melville Marriot on Long Island.

I have been to this conference the last two years and it was an eye opening experience. On Long Island the right to carry has been taken from us by the actions of a few people in power in spite of legislation prohibiting them from doing so. This conference will introduce you to the people who are active in trying to establish our rights as citizens and gunowners.

This year Bob Barr and Ollie North are featured speakers along with Roy Innis.

Show up and show support for the right to carry on LI.

For directions call 516 423-1600

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.