Ny Gun Owners Must Read This


from the link:

A-76A, mandatory storage, passes 95-35.

A-829, child operated firearms, passes 86-46.

A-3447, expands definition of AP ammo, passes 85-40.

A-3451, expands COBIS, passes 79-49.

A-8700B, creates firearms disqualifications registry, passes 124-0 with no debate.

A-2868, disguised guns, passes 83-46.

A-6525A, gun dealer liability. Phil Boyle offered amendment, found not germane to bill, appealed decision. Amendment fails 83-52. Bill passes 85-53.

A-9819A, microstamping, passes 90-43.

A-7331A, semi-auto prohibition, passes 85-46.

A-2772A, .50 prohibition, passes 85-49.


A-76A, mandatory firearms storage. Prohibits keeping loaded firearms for personal protection.

A-829, prohibiting "child operated" firearms.

A-2772A, prohibit the sale and possession of all firearms with a bore diameter over .50" including shotguns.

A-2868, prohibits the possession of guns that look like toys.

A-3447, redefines the definition of AP ammo to include all frangible rounds and those with plastic tips. Would ban most hunting ammo.

A-3451, expands the failed ballistic database COBIS. 200,000 casing collected over the past 7 years at a cost of $28 million with no crimes solved with it.

A-6525A, holds gun dealer liable for 3rd party misuse of a firearm.

A-7331A, prohibits virtually all semi-auto handguns and rifles which use detachable magazines as well as many pump shotguns.

A-9819A, requires "microstamping" on all pistols even though the technology doesn't exist.

NY is lost. Pray for a good SCOTUS decision...
There is one ray of light. This was only the Assembly, who always passes whatever insane Liberal agenda items come up. The Senate though, not being a population representation and therefore not as beholden to the communists in NYC and other regions has defeated many of these items time and again.
I'm sure it won't help your pain any but if it's any colsolation, there ARE other states going the other way.

Florida's governor Crist just signed the bill into law permitting you to lock your gun in your car while at work. Employers can't fire you for keeping your gun in your own car any more, while in a company parking lot.
I have been a member of the NRA for many years but I'm embarrassed to say that I never joined the NYSRPA. Why, to be honest, I only realized recently that they even existed. Shame on me.
I'm joining as soon as I finish this post, and urge other New York State gun owners who are not members to join as well. It's a small fee for what seems to be a very worthy organization.
We need to protect our rights as gun owners, and this is a good place to start. By the way, I do not have any financial interest in the organization nor do I work for them. I'm just a regular hard working, tax paying Joe, who wants to maintain my rights as a gun owner, and not be pushed around by antigun politicians.
The number is 1-(518) 272-2654 or 1-800-469-7772.
There web site is: http://www.nysrpa.org/
TPAW wrote: I'm just a regular hard working, tax paying Joe, who wants to maintain my rights as a gun owner, and not be pushed around by antigun politicians.

I bet you believe in God and practice a religion too. I bet you don't like "illegal" immigration being ignored by Washington. Why are you so bitter? Do you live in a small town? Barack Obama would like to know. You better vote for Obama so he can improve your economic situation. Otherwise, you will continue to be frustrated and bitter that the nanny state, big government, socialists is in Washington are not helping you. You need Obama. We all need Obama. We need Reverend Wright to show us how not to be bitter about Washington.
It sure would be nice to have an earthquake that split NYC off from the rest of NY and it floated out in the ocean a couple of miles. NYC in NO way is the "rest" of the State. Also. look at who put these bills up.. all Democraps. :barf: :barf:
t sure would be nice to have an earthquake that split NYC off from the rest of NY and it floated out in the ocean a couple of miles.

Actually, the Hudson River is a fault line that runs the entire length of Manhattan Island, NYC. You never know, it could happen but I doubt it will. The Democrats won't let it, they have more ass-in-nine bills to pass.
I live in N.M.

I have family in upstate N.Y.

They are nothing like most of N.Y.

They Hunt, Shoot, Don't kill Each Other!:rolleyes:

I lived there for a while and the most Dangerous thing we did was go on a Dodgy ride on a Toboggan.
Understand the Assembly is population based. Therefore the rural sane areas are vastly outnumbered in representation by the nut job liberal urban politicians. The Senate has long been our only hope here.