NY ccw permit for NYC resident ?


Getting CCW permit in NYC is impossible for me. I currently have a NYC Premise permit.

I know it is easier to get a permit for upstate NY, but I dont live there. yet, I am not a "non-resident" as NYC is still in NY state...

How can I go about something like this ? I would love to at least carry when I leave the city..

Ideas anyone ?
When you come upstate, the licensing goes county by county. Westchester county is a bit tougher than the others. I reside in Greene county- we have a lot of people that carry CCW up here. An upstate carry permit is good for everywhere in NY State- except NYC ... nassau and suffolk might have additional restrictions too, but I don't know.

Apartments are cheap up here. You can also buy yourself a small house and some land for a reasonable price. I hear that Orange and Ulster counties will also issue carry permits.
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Where did you get your data about 'upstate' permits - I thought that my New York State personal protection permit is good everywhere in NYS, except Nassua county. I never heard about Buffalo having different laws?????
I thought you were wrong-----

From : http://www.troopers.state.ny.us/FAQs/Firearms/Permits.cfm

Q - Is a pistol permit issued by a licensing officer in an upstate county valid in New York City?
No. A pistol permit issued by an upstate county is valid in any other county in New York State except New York City.

In order for an upstate licensee to lawfully carry a handgun in New York City, he/she must first make application with the New York City Police Department to have their permit "validated." An investigation will be conducted to determine the authenticity of the license, after which a "needs assessment" will be conducted to determine whether the applicant has sufficiently demonstrated a "need" to possess a handgun under the circumstances provided.

The simple desire to possess a handgun while in New York City, without some other extenuating circumstances, will not serve to present a "need" suitable to receive authorization. In cases where "need" is sufficiently demonstrated, permission will be given, usually for a specific period of time, after which the process would start over again.
Need some major clarification here, without all the double negatives.

I am left to assume that you live in NY City which is in NY state. However, local laws(ie NY City's) supercede NY State's laws. As I understand it, the requirements for being a CCW holder in NY City involve being comfortable being naked in the same room as the mayor(or someother such nonsense and even in the first said case it is still a may issue). So as a resident of NY City you cannot obtain(I would hope;)) a CCW for the city but you are trying to obtain one for the rest of NY(State) when you leave the (NY)city. Am I correct?
Getting CCW permit in NYC is impossible for me. I currently have a NYC Premise permit.

When you initially filled out your NYC firearms permit application, what did you write down as to the reason you need to carry? Did you write down that you are a business man? Landlord? etc.. :confused: This makes a big difference as to how NYPD politically handles your CCW request. (You do understand that what this is all about is pure carpet-bagger politics, don't you?):barf:
I am left to assume that you live in NY City which is in NY state. However, local laws(ie NY City's) supercede NY State's laws. As I understand it, the requirements for being a CCW holder in NY City involve being comfortable being naked in the same room as the mayor(or someother such nonsense and even in the first said case it is still a may issue). So as a resident of NY City you cannot obtain(I would hope) a CCW for the city but you are trying to obtain one for the rest of NY(State) when you leave the (NY)city. Am I correct?

Yes, that is exactly it ! but I intend to stay living here... not moving out of the city.

What did you write for need to carry

Nothing, I went straight for the premise permit. I am a nobody !
As it was explained to me, the state-wide permit is handled by the county, so you would have to apply with the county that you reside in. Since you are SOL there, my best advice would be to consult a local attorney. Sorry.
kayakersteve, I edited my post. I confused the CCW law for a few hunting restrictions that are in place for that zone.
steve, I hear you on that. After reviewing the NRA page on NY laws, it looks like NYC is the only restricted zone.

I can't eve imagine the nightmare of getting arrested and jammed up for a gun charge... we can thank 50+ years of the gun hating mentality that this state has.
the NYPD does not offer a carry for target or hunting.

their catagories are :

Carry business
carry security guard
retired LEO
Limited carry
gun custodian
and special carry ( for upstateers doing business )

I dont think any of these are carry for personal protection.

does anyone know what kind of carry does Robert DeNiro Has ?