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A 1$ Federal Reserve note or Silver Certificate? (Sheese it's been so long since I saw one I can't remember how to spell it)

CCW for Ohio action site.
"IN GOD WE TRUST"? Does this mean that the leaders of the New World Order are deeply religious? ;)

Or are you referring to the Latin motto in the "Great Seal"? You don't have to convince me that George Washington was a Mason -- I already knew that.
To better your argument, ask, "Show me where it says on any bill that it is United States Currency?" The fact is, it isn't, it belongs to the Fed (hence, "Federal Reserve Note").

A couple of weeks ago I had lunch with someone who works at the Federal Reserve Bank. I asked very pointed questions regarding the purpose of the Fed, what they do behind those think walls, and whether the Fed is indeed a private corporation or some quasi-governmental agency as we have been lead by the nose to believe. The answers were mind boggling. It was obvious that this person was sworn to some oath of secrecy or was a very "dumb" (like a fox) executive who happened to have some of the highest clearances at the bank.

I asked what precipitated the minting of the new bills. The answer shed some light on/and verification that there were certain (the word, "many" was used) security measures implemented into the new bills. I asked if it was true that the new bills could indeed be located by means of some new type of satellite monitoring device, but the question went unanswered. A friend of mine who works for one of the largest banks confirms that the bills can be "monitored" electronically, but would not provide anymore details than that.

If you believe that our money is worth nothing more than the paper its printed on, then you should be moving into precious metals like many have already begun to do in advance of Y2K (gold up 25% in the last month). Some also include blued and stainless steel, and lots of lead in their precious metals investments. You should too.
Here we go again. Could you please provide a bit more info on your "contacts". Names aren't necessary, but circumstances of the "meet" might help.

Personally, my friends in banking, investment banking, Federal Reserve and the like aren't tripped up quite as easily as yours evidently are. The spooks I know provide pretty pat answers, probably due to the deep implants provided during their "conditioning". ;)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 06, 1999).]
Money located by satellite? Not likely.

I only know of three ways to locate a movable object:
1) It is visible.
2) It emits some type of radiation.
3) It reacts to some type of radiation.

Although I am not a "techie", I find any of these three unlikely.
Hmmm... detectable money!

This really oughta make it easier for the techno-merc to score quick cash. I wonder if one could use micro electronics to cause the money to react to a transmitted signal, the feedback of which could be processed as a visual cue in a "heads up display" projected directly onto the corneal surface of the eye?

7-11 convenience stores would be a safe place to work again...

Hey, can we call it "smart money" technology?

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Rich and Dennis:

I didn't say I believed them, I was just interested in what they'd say. I also find it highly unlikely that any type of transmitting device could be placed in our Fed notes, but this nonetheless is food for thought. Or food for disposal, if you wish.

The Fed contact is through a business associate, and my banking friend is an executive VP (with the bank about 8 yrs). I'd like to have come to you with a telephone number to call to verify all of this, or photographs/tapes to illustrate their statements. But these were casual conversations not interrogations. The questions were asked like I was joking, and ignorant of the workings of the Fed.

The Fed contact described many details about the Fed bank security including "gun turrets", shell game truck deliveries, counting procedures, currency destruction processes, and a 10,000 sf vault with pallets stacked with currency. This person said that many of the security measures included on the new bills were "not disclosed to the public". In fact, I was invited for a personal guided tour when I want to go. Maybe I'll go and report back first hand. I didn't get the impression that this person was some "insider", just an executive worker bee tending the hive.

I'm not sure what else I could tell you at this point. When someone puts a bug in your ear about tracking new bills electronically, then one day you're sitting with someone at lunch that may be able to shed some light on that story, you just have to ask.
Now I'm really confused.

Your banking friend confirmed that US Currency can be monitored electronically, but you don't believe him? Fact is, the new currency has a tiny metal strip that can be seen when held up to the light. This may cause a briefcase full of greenbacks to show up under X-Ray, but hardly provides me with danger signs of satellite bugs. As for "secret" scecurity measures on currency, that's always been the case and is a function of anti-counterfeiting.

I am concerned about the need for the government to track every dollar I have and spend. I just don't ascribe this to a 40 year old Master Plan to enslave us, so much as I do to the ongoing greed and avarice of every national government to tax every imaginable transaction.

However, I've noted that the bands on all the new $50's have the number "666", read backwards and upside down. :)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 06, 1999).]
i heard that if you have enough new issue 100 dollar bills, they can be detected by an airport scanner...

maybe that metallic ink?

Aint it frustrating, Paul, when you tell people that the Federal Reserve System is a private banking outfit that has nothing to do with the Federal Government and, infact, cannot be audited by them. And that the FRS only prints our"money",makes and takes "our money"(takes it in the form of taxes to pay the interest on tyhe debt the Fed crates),and controls all loans and mortgages in the land of the free.(?) Maybe it is too hard to grasp for the average Joe that he is simply a indentured servant to the FRS.The words on the phoney money is in Latin and means new world system. Of coarse, i am just one of those paranoid patriots! But spend those new bills as quick as possible,keep as much old small currency as you can, and, most importantly ,get some real money such as gold and silver. Or have faith in your govenment and Big Al Greenspan and keep dumping into the stock market.But remember a verse from a Carl Klang song: "Paper Money, Phoney Money, it will lead you into Slavery"
Well in Australia we have plastic bank notes-
I don't know why your sticking with the paper ones - the plastic ones last longer and are nearly impossible to copy.
So I guess we can't be enslaved because ours is plastic and has no little metal bit in it? :)
Not only can they track it - but if you have too much - 911 will automatically be called to dispatch an officer to confiscate it!


I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Will you not be telling people that! They might believe you.

If they do, JUST HOW am I going to get my Christmas Bonus this year? ;)

The Fed is a Real problem tho, and should be disbanded.
What does believing in Hulk Hogan and the WWF have to do with a dollar bill?

"Real money" like gold and silver? If you ask me, those are just as useless as paper. The whole idea that gold and silver are worth anything is cause they are "precious" and harder to get, than, say wood. But paper money has grown out of that, and is representative of gold and silver. If poop really hits the fan in Y2K, gold and silver will be just as useless as paper. Barter system, that's the way of hte future!
Free yourself! Carry on metal currency!

I volunteer to help any member who wishes to divest him/herself of $1 bills. I will also honor packages containing higher denominations.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
The strip inside the bills is the consistency of thin plastic, but there is obviously some sort of metalic imprint on it. If you carefully take an exacto knife or razor blade and slice through the thickness of the bill and peel back a bit of the paper, you can expose the strip. A little more work will free it, and then you can carefully pull it out of the bill. I am not so concerned with the "many" security measures implemented into the bill design to prevent conterfit as I am about a tiny metalisized strip which is imbedded into the bill.

Further lab analysis of this strip would certainly answer many questions about its true purpose and function.

My banker friend claimed that once this strip is removed from the bill, "it (the bill) is technically no good anymore". Again, my concern is, why is that little strip so important to the bill if all it is supposed to do is prevent counterfit?

There is no doubt that once our currency was taken off of the gold standard, we were in big trouble. Think about the actual cost to the Fed of each one of those minted bills today...maybe $.03 each let's say, and they aren't backed by anything tangible. Then the Fed claims they're actually worth the value imprinted on them, debiting the Treasury for the face value. What a scam.

It seems like the "war on drugs" and other government related ventures seems to perpetually justify more and more intrusive measures into our personal privacy, including the possibility of tracking or at least identifying someone who possesses a large amount of currency. Is it really about a "war on drugs"?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Is it really about a "war on drugs"?[/quote]
Nope. But, once again, neither is it about the Fed's desire to "track" US Citizens for the NWO leaders. It's about every government's fear of untaxed transactions...these can only be accomplished when citizens posess large amounts of cash, even legally obtained. Cash transactions and barter are the nemesis of full taxation. Unsupported "plots" are the nemesis of an informed public.

If we misidentify the problem, we misidentify the solution.

This thread is closed, as the original statement has never been explained and the direction is an embarassment to the intelligence of this site.

Members are welcome to restart it under the aegis of the economic damage from a non-gold standard, the unconstitutional basis for tracking citizen wealth, the autonomy of the Fed or the greed of modern government. However, without substantiation greater than that offered here, enslavement conspiracy, tied to metal strips in US currency, is unwelcome. I thought we'd agreed to this two weeks ago.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 07, 1999).]
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