nutty legel advice?

The only reason you would ever use it would be for self-defense in a life-threatening situation. Chances are that in that situation, there would be no one there to see you use it anyway. Even if there were, a ticket for carrying a gun without a permit is much better than being dead. Besides, most juries will find you not guilty if the gun were used for self-defense.

As a certified NRA instructor, I am certified to give firearms instruction and would gladly do so in someone’s home

Sounds like sketchy advice from an NRA certifed instructor. :eek:
Depending on where you live, carrying without a permit can be a felony and might even have mandatory jail time... quite a bit different than a "ticket".
Every now and then the term "Gun Nut" does apply. Be careful of advice on the Internet but everything I read on the Internet is true, isn't it?