Nutter: NRA should apologize to slain cop's family.

Check out the responses:

Good Luck Nutter. You can not use reason when you try to reason with those inbred NRA morons. What he should do is arrange for a bus to go to the cow pastures of Central PA and pick up all those NRA nuts and bring them to Philly. Let them try to survive one night on the streets here and see if they still want to block the assault weapon ban.
Posted by s1360m

Of course that's true ... because it's only ASSAULT WEAPONS that make those streets dangerous. If it weren't for semi-automatic rifles everyone would live in peace and harmony. No danger from pistols, baseball bats, knives, etc. ...

Those guns nuts would be peeing their pants in North Philly. They only know how to shoot something that is defenseless.
Posted by Sick_of_the_PC_Crowd

Yeah ... let one of those gun nuts with his legal CCW get assaulted and see how quickly and effectively he learns to shoot at something that is not defenseless.

Love or hate the NRA there still is that little ol' state constitution to deal with. Nutter needs to be focusing more on preventing innocent people from being slain in the middle of the afternoon on SEPTA platforms, ridding the streets of trash both paper and human and not trying for the cheap sound byte of the day over another dead PPD officer. Please don't tell me you think if this "ban" went into effect that it would have prevented this tragedy. The problem with gun 'control' laws is that criminals have no regard for them - you can make all the laws you want, but its not going to make these scumbags think twice before taking a legal or illegal gun and firing at another one of our brave men and women of the PPD. These people were robbing a bank - they obviously have no regard for laws or society - I hope the other 2 involved fry - unfortunatly only 1 of these scumbags actually paid a just price for their cowardice.
Posted by JD77

Good stuff above, anyway.

Keep blaming the gun. It's never the person who pulled the trigger. Was it a legally owned gun? I'm thinking not. Remember, When you outlaw guns, only outlaws WILL have them. Let's solve the crime problem. Maybe Mayor Nutter should give an apolgy for not having safe streets.
Posted by Two5tengame

More good stuff above.

the NRA is nothing but a money hungry lobby - many many former members are disenchanted with the NRA and have since left... they care about nothing but money!
Posted by kmmposts

That is true ... many have become disenchanted and moved to the GOA or a more fiercely anti-gun control group! I have no doubt that the NRA, like any large organization with a highly paid professional infrastructure does care about money ... but it is still the 3 million or so members that make it a force to be reckoned with.

If money was all it took, the Joyce foundation and a few others would have ended the debate years ago.

Live in PA? Respond to this crap!
I just had to post a comment to the newspaper.

Nutter is an idiot. The problem is not the NRA, it's Nutter. State laws do not allow cities to pass their own firearm laws (or vehicle codes or criminal procedure codes, et. al). Rather than confront the issues which underly the violence in Philly, he tries to ban guns. Nutter ignores laws that are inconvenient in order to "prove" that he's trying to do something. He implies the NRA is "obstructionist" when they try to force HIM to obey the law. He should be lobbying Harrisburg instead of pretending he can issue dictatorial decrees. We had the same problem here in San Francisco with another left-wing Democrat mayor. The failure is the city not unifying and supporting its good citizens with opportunities in jobs, education or quality of life issues. If Nutter wants to do something, he needs to address the rampant drug-gang culture, the despair of the poor and support citizens who are trying to clean up their neighborhoods. But all of that takes work. It's much easier to just ban guns and then demonize the NRA to get your sound bite on TV.

Though, I like the post someone added just before mine;
Does Nutter think Ed Rendell's parole board should apologize to the officer's family for releasing the killer from prison early? The "apology" fetish of the Democrat-Media Complex can be taken to many extremes.
slain cop

My heart goes out to the family of the slain officer. And to all the LEO's who have to deal with the criminal element.

The least violent of the three BG's ONLY had 6 felony convictions. The worst had 17 felonies. World would be a lot better if PA had and used the death penalty on all of them.

Don't blame the justice system who allowed these vicious animals loose on the streets, blame the gun. Probably didn't purchase the gun legally since the law forbids them from owning or possessing a firearm.

Nutter, what a name that fits. Rambling on about how his illegal gun laws would have prevented this tragedy. BS. Just more of politicians grandstanding and trying to take guns from the non criminals. Would have been better if he pointed the finger at the parole board and judges that allow these crooks to even be eligible for parole.

Don't want to get tough on crime or the criminal just the law abiding. The politicians really need to wake up and smell the toast burning and stop blaming everyone else.:(
It's sad to see the political left play politics with the death of this LEO. Some on the dark side will go to any extreme to defeat your gun rights... even to a level as low as this.
Nutter is grand standing using the slain officer as a device to push his agenda. A play that was taken right out of the Brady Campaign $32 for $32 Dead at VT. Disgusting.

It's Nutter who should apologize to the family.
A very effective vote against Nutter is to get your PA out of state CCW. It's $26 and can be done through the mail. I got mine since I go to PA a lot but certainly also like the idea of making it very loud and clear that I am one of the people Nutter has no regard for and do in fact have grounds to prosecute him for his little ordinances and/or sue him for slander being both a PA CCW holder and NRA member. Seriously considering the latter or both.
Of the three two were on Parole. (convicted felons, hence Violation of the Uniform Firearms Act, VUFA) the third, and the one still on the run, was an escapee (walked away from an early release program while still in custody of the Dept of Corrections) another VUFA.

Hate to use the cliche, but in this case it is soo true, when they outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns.
The cop killer being sought, Eric DeShawn Floyd, has 17, yes, SEVENTEEN, prior felonies. I should think that Nutter would be demanding the black robed "Lords of Justice" be apologizing for setting this maniacal thug loose time and again upon civiliation.
Lets outlaw knives too... my wifes best friend has to travel back to Philly because her childhood best friend was stabbed to death last week. So yeah gun, knife, bat, car it doesnt matter what the weapon is. I use to go to Philly all the time and never saw anyone running around with assault weapons, however I wont go down there without a pistol with me.
You mean Nutter is wrong? If there was a ban on assault weapons, wouldn't criminals stop using them? I am quite sure a guy with 17 felonies would not want an 18th, so he would probably throw away his assault weapon.

Just because these guys are criminals, it does not mean they are not law abiding!

Seriously, it is interesting that when you ask a gun-control advocate, EXACTLY how a ban will work with people who violate every other law on the books, they have no answer.

It is tragic when a LEO is hurt, or worse, but a meaningless ban does nothing at all, except to disarm the good guys.
The POS was captured.

PHILADELPHIA -- Police acting on a tip closed in on an abandoned Southwest Philadelphia row house late Wednesday night and captured the third suspect in the death of a police officer shot in a weekend confrontation with bank robbery suspects.

Eric Floyd, 33, and a woman identified as his girlfriend, were taken into custody in a second-floor bedroom of the dilapidated house in the Kingsessing neighborhood with boarded-up windows shortly after 11 p.m. Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said Floyd was unarmed and did not resist.

Police said Floyd made a statement and is cooperating with police.

He was arrested five days after the fatal shooting and a day before Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski's funeral. Police scoured the city and investigated more than 100 tips.

Authorities continued to hold the crime scene on the 5400 block of Windsor Avenue where Floyd and his girlfriend were captured, collecting evidence they say will help in the suspect's conviction.

Mayor Michael Nutter told a news conference early Thursday he confronted the suspect as he arrived in a van at police headquarters and voiced disappointment "as one African-American male to another."

Floyd arrived locked in the handcuffs of the slain sergeant, a 12-year veteran and married father of three who was killed with an assault weapon on Saturday, Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said.

"It's a way of just paying tribute to the slain officer," Ramsey said.

Police had pursued a flood of tips for days in an intensive manhunt for the last suspect remaining at large, and Nutter said Liczbinski's wife, Michelle, was "very pleased" at news of the capture.

"We know we're a safer city because that individual, that menace to society is off the street," Nutter said.

"We cannot bring Stephen back but we can certainly bring some closure to this entire matter," he added.
The biggest issue with this is ... if we made all the military style rifles go away, it's not like criminals like this would say ... "well, since I can't get an assault weapon I'll just carry no weapon at all."

The stats are more than clear that almost all police officers that are killed are killed by people with handguns, not "assault weapons." And for the close ranges these gunfights take place in, the difference between facing a person with an AW vs. a pistol is not that great. It's not like these guys are standing off and doing aimed firing at 100 yards.
Nutter is a fitting name for this mayor. Do you think he will also ask the NAACP to apologize to the officer's family? Or maybe the mayor should apologize for tolerating a crime-ridden urban area.