Nuns and .38s

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Found on "weird" news of day....

Don't Mess With These Nuns
Updated 10:52 AM ET July 26, 1999

BOGOTA (Reuters) - Two Roman Catholic nuns shot and killed a thief who broke into their
sanctuary in central Colombia, authorities say.

The sharp-shooting nuns, who have not been named, blasted the intruder in the head with a
.38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver after they heard strange noises in the corridors of the
Sanctuary of the Virgin of Miracles, the patron saint of aviators.

Police said the fatal shooting occurred Wednesday night at the cloister in the city of Tunja but
only gave details Saturday after releasing the two nuns on bail.

A police spokesman in Tunja said nuns at the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Miracles began
night-time patrols early this year following seven previous break-ins during which chickens
and some religious relics were stolen.

Local military commanders had given the nuns the revolver, together with the relevant gun
license, so that they could protect themselves from potential attack.

I wish my local police would be as helpful :)

I guess this also proves that shot placement is much more important than having a hi-power cartridge with a fancy-schmancy bullet, though there are many variables unknown here. I wonder if they were told to go for a head-shot though?

Lastly, after being educated by nuns and hearing all manners of horror stories about them, most of which have some element of truth to them, and after reading this "news" item, I am more certain than ever of my opinion that nuns are great people.


PS I am not sure if this really needed to be posted but I couldn't stop myself in time.
I once knew a nun who owned a pistol. Not a .38, though. Her preference was a Model 1911A1. She had been a Nurse early in WWII and later a ferry pilot. She liked the .45 and could shoot very well.

Besides their personal safety, the theft of religious artifacts from churches are increasing.

The sooner the BG meets "Jesus", the faster he'd become a better soul. Anybody for rehabilitation through reincarnation? :O Opps, got my religions confused.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Criminy, nuns are scary enough with rulers and pointers. If I was a goblin, and I saw a penguin coming at me with a yardstick, I'd scream and run like hell (heh).

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Yeah, I wouldn't think that they'd need a gun to take out a BG: Just send them my 3rd grade teacher, Sister Anna. She'd put any BG on a righteous path quick! Though, they might *prefer* a bullet in the brain to her delicate ministrations!

[This message has been edited by joegerardi (edited July 26, 1999).]
Not a NUN with a GUN story.

There was a Priest that had his parish in one of the worse sections of town and his church was bothered by B&E's, and church goers being mugged either on the way to or from church. Father Bob, being a shooter, decided to arm himself with his 6" S&W M-29 one Sunday before Mass started. During the services, two of the local goblins entered the church with drawn guns and started to stick the place up. While they were helping themselves to the poor box and the belongings of those at the rear of the church Father Bob drew his M-29 and proceded to center punch both of the bandits.

I have seen the police report so I am pretty sure that it is a true story.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Regarding the shot placement:

Do you think these nuns got any help from you-know-who?

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
In olden times, people used to believe demons rode on bullets; maybe angels can guide them when good folk are under attack.

Sad but true that churches have become a target for BGs. Luckily the BGs are becoming targets too!
I remember two incidents of Ministers shooting BGs in Memphis the last couple of years. One in a church and one at the minister's home. In both cases a few people tried to huff and puff about ministers with guns, but the general public and the police cut them off saying these men did the right thing.
Besides, I'd think it would be a sin not to protect your life.
A follow-up:

Charges dropped against Colombian nuns
who shot intruder

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

BOGOTA, Colombia (August 4, 1999 8:22 p.m. EDT - Two nuns who made headlines when they
shot a convent intruder with a pistol were cleared of murder charges
Wednesday. "The nuns acted in legitimate self-defense," read a
statement from the public prosecutor's office, ending a two-week

The cloistered sisters, Luz Adelia Barragan and Eva Maria Silva,
admitted that on July 21 they took turns firing a .38-caliber revolver
into the darkness after hearing an intruder at the convent. One of
those shots killed an apparent thief, Severo Mendez.

The nuns, who spent two nights in jail after the shooting, said they
had only meant to scare away the man who broke into the El Tobo
convent in Tunja, 80 miles northeast of Bogota.

The shootings attracted national attention. Fed up with rampant
violent crime rates, many Colombians said they sympathized with the
nuns' actions.

The convent purchased the gun in 1981 following a series of robbery
attempts. Its 25 sisters took vows of poverty, however the building
houses a valuable collection of religious art, including a 16th century
portrait of the Virgin of the Miracles, decorated with a gold crown
and scepter.

Nuns began patrolling the grounds this year after a series of
break-ins. They had fired the gun before, but never hit anybody, said
defense lawyer Gilberto Rondon.
While I am pleased that folks have the capability and resolve to defend themselves, there is nothing in this story that indicates that their (Nun's) life was in danger. Where have you heard that a BG that is involved with B&E deserves to be shot, especially from a Nun. Because they are nuns, do they get a hall pass on shooting someone just because of previous B&E's?? Am I missing something here? Oh, yeah, this did not happen in the US, so local law applies, but come on, just because there is a spat of thefts of religous items, it does not mean that it is open season on anyone that is in the wrong place at the wrong time. .......SmithNut
SmithNut, speaking of local laws. Foutunatly here in Texas we can shoot anyone on our property after dark to protect life or property. Someone breaking in your car and you can pop one in their head with minimal hassel from law enforcment. Kinda cuts down on those B&Es. Personaly I think that's they way it should be; I work hard for my stuff.
Go nuns.

Join the NRA.
The Nuns may have saved his soul from eternal damnation by killing him. I admire their piety whereby they risked their eternal souls in order to save him from eternal damnation for defiling a holy place.
Smithnut, to me it depends on whether the BG was entering their living quarters section of the nunnery, or some other portion. If some other portion, then I agree with everything you said, but to me, one's domicile stands in a superior position to other structures when it comes to burglary, and ought not to be knowingly and intentionally "broken and entered" by a BG. I suppose it's not legally or even perhaps morally "right" to shoot such an unarmed perp, but I personally don't think it can ever be wrong to shoot an uninvited intruder into your "castle". If you don't want to be shot, the rule is simple: don't break into someone's home, whether nuns, monks, or otherwise.
I find it somewhat humorous that the nuns took turns firing the revolver. Interesting.

SmithNut, you make a reasonable point. However, I think many people, both in the U.S. and abroad, have had it up to here with thieves and burglars. While I wouldn't support open season on nonviolent burglars, I think there is probably a beneficial effect from occasional incidents such as this.

I'm not Catholic, but I had always heard that nuns preferred rulers. ;) Glad they didn't do time, although I suspect they are carrying some heavy weight mentally due to the low life that took such risks with his own life and theirs.
"Nuns with Guns"--sounds like the perfect name for an alternative rock band. ;)

Anyway, to wax theological, responding to Grayfox's question about whether or not it's a sin to protect yourself--read Exodus 22:2. There's Biblical precedence for home defense, at least.
Headhunter. Great minds think alike, no?

Jim: Love that story of Dirty Padre with his 6" Model 29. "Do you feel repentent today?" Blam! Blam! Blam!

What a wonderfully entertaining thread. Nuns sharing guns and blasting into the darkness and pistol packing padres. On a more serious notes, these servants of God are people too and have a God Given Right to Self Defense.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
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