Number of US Colleges Allowing Concealed Carry on Campus More Than Doubles


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MORE CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRESS: Number of Colleges Allowing Concealed Carry on Campus More Than Doubles, in the past week!

I read that today, followed the link, and found this.

Most important bit:
Prior to this week, only twelve colleges in the entire nation explicitly allowed carry of a firearm: The ten public colleges of Utah, Blue Ridge Community College in Virginia and Colorado State University. Following a substantial ruling to remove the ban at the University of Colorado, the fourteen colleges in the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) voted to rescind their current ban and allow any licensed adult with a concealed carry permit to exercise that right while on campus. While I cannot find any direct news articles about it, you may link to the revised policy [here]

This action alone more than doubles the number of universities and colleges allowing concealed carry from twelve to twenty-six.

Colorado is quickly joining Utah with concealed carry allowed on all or most college campuses. Today, I am proud to be a Coloradoan!
Only a matter of time before Indiana jumps on board. At least we hope. There have been 3 shootings on my campus since I've gone here. And I have to leave my gun in my car... off campus.

At least they do to the students. I've known quite a few who have engaged in the "Empty Holster" movement. And a few more very responsible and trustworthy men who have carried onto campus regardless of legislation. Their mentality?...

"...if I ever have to use it to save my life or the lives of my fellow students, some people will call me a hero, others will call me a criminal and I may go to jail over it. But I won't lose a wink of sleep in my cell over saving as many lives as were lost in all of those other school shootings. Benefits outweigh the risks."

Can't say I entirely agree with that stance. But darn it, you've got to respect the honor in it.

Good to see this is spreading, but how this is going to be framed to the public requires us to walk on egg shells. It will only take one drunken idiot frat boy for the public (not to mention the insurance companies of colleges) to turn against us... our arguments have to be very precise and chosen, we need to make sure the argument over this is a debate over what it actually is: a debate about allowing people already licensed to carry a concealed pistol everywhere else to carry onto college campuses.

We cannot allow this debate to become about "drunken/high frat boys" because it's still illegal to be drunk and have be carrying (nevermind the fact that an incident like that would have nothing to do with the permit or the gun being allowed or not being allowed on campus because an incident of that nature would generally happen in a private residence).

We cannot allow the debate to become about "making it easier for criminals to get guns" because they can do that off of college campuses.

We cannot allow the debate to be about "well what if a student is angry about their grade and 'confronts' a professor" because that has nothing to do with a concealed carry permit, carrying on college campuses, has never happened, and assault with a deadly weapon is still illegal.

We cannot allow this to be about "guns in dorms" because most people who live in dorms are under 21 and thus unable to get a license to conceal carry.

We cannot allow this debate to be about "you don't need a gun on campus/campus crime rates are low!" because that is a non-sequitor and even admits that crimes happen on campus.

We cannot allow this debate to be about "well mass shooters will still be be able to kill people" because it's about lessening the body count of a mass shooter (also mass shootings are extremely rare).

We must make it about the following:

1. The disarming of society's arguably most important people: those that will lead our future business, make our future discoveries, and run for our future political offices.
2. This law only allows people already licensed to carry everywhere else to carry on college campuses. (This is probably the most important point)
3. This fact that every other right does not seem to be restricted based on a college's arbitrary property lines. (Remember that SCOTUS case: "The right to free speech does not end at the school gate"?)

So please, remember that this law only allows people who can already carry everywhere else to carry on campuses.
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School massacres in China . . . Without guns.

Perhaps they should create a knife-free school zone?

Children in China school attack were as young as 3
By ALEXA OLESEN (AP) – 21 hours ago
HANZHONG, China — Children as young as 3 years old were among the victims targeted in an attack at a kindergarten in northwestern China that killed seven toddlers and two adults, a doctor said Thursday.
The attacker who charged into the kindergarten Wednesday and hacked at his victims with a cleaver was also a familiar figure to them, said another doctor. The killer, 48-year-old Wu Huanming, committed suicide at home following the attack.
The assault, which left 11 other children hospitalized, was China's fifth such school rampage in less than two months, and occurred despite heightened security countrywide, with gates and cameras installed at some schools and additional police and guards posted at entrances.
Good to see this is spreading, but how this is going to be framed to the public requires us to walk on egg shells.

The leftist extremists of the so-called "news" media hate us no matter what we say or do, so I doubt it makes sense to walk on egg shells.
We should be as bold as we can but tactful as well. I read the Starbucks company blog with 2 boards of their story. Almost every gunowner on the blog was well spoken, respectful, made his points well. But one guy, nickname "open carry" bragged that he scared people seeing his gun on his hip. That kind of attitude shows on a person's face and the way he carries himself. He helped us zip zilch and zero. Any person afraid of guns seeing his post, would say "that's how those people with guns are". Several gunowners scolded him, myself as well. Someone spoke to the antigunners, telling them this man is not typical of us. When my family was rear ended in a traffic accident last year, I got out to speak to the other driver. He was afraid I'd be mad. I shook hands with him and said we were all OK, that cars can be fixed, etc. We directed traffic together til the police came. I informed an officer I was carrying, he said no problem. The other driver never knew I was carrying. If I'd somehow made it a point to show him my gun, that would have done no one any good.
Animated GIF?

Now all we need is a "Campus Carry" animated GIF showing the change over time.

I imagine something like this one (attached), available for free and with no copyright at the "Shall issue" article on Wikipedia.

Or maybe it would be better to show campuses allowing concealed carry rather than states...


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And in this same vein, a CCW holder in Oregon may carry concealed in public schools EXCEPT for staff and students in that school. Recently an Oregon teacher with a CCW and a restraining order against a former spouse was denied RKBA while on campus. According to my understanding, this prohibition extends to staff/students having a firearm securely locked in one's vehicle while it's parked on campus.

Nonetheless, any CCW holder in Oregon, not employed or a student of the school may lawfully carry on campus. So much for "equal protection" -- literally.
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How times have changed - OK - so I was in college well over half century ago - I remember once at half-time entertainment at a football game, we had inter fraternity "outhouse" races - outhouses on wheels and occupants inside - I shot the starting pistol - a NFA registered .410 pistol no less - and the gun presence or firing it into the air with bird shot (no danger to any) - there was much more interest in the "racing" than the gun being fired inside the stadium - well, we all (of us, anyway) did occasional things we wouldn't do now.

While we're reminiscing, I have to point out, tuition was $75.00 per quarter - at what is one of the more expensive universities now - and "assistantships" - jobs on campus we could do without interfering with classes - that paid half tuition were always available - so the most my dad ever paid for my tuition was $37.50 my first 4 quarters - post WW II GI Bill and scholarships took me through pre-med and med school.


Other states with active court cases?

Are there other states with active legal challenges to the concealed carry ban in educational institutions? Since it was a court ruling that recently extended the right to many more colleges and universities in Colorado, described here as:

Members of Students of Concealed Carry on Campus ( and the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners ( originally filed suit against the University of Colorado claiming that state law preempted any governmental entity, including the Board of Governors, from banning concealed carry license holders from possessing a firearm on campus. While the initial ruling went against the firearms activists, it was reversed on appeal.

my question is, whether under challenges to state law or to Federal law. what sort of cases are moving forward in other states?
nemo2econ said:
what sort of cases are moving forward in other states?

In MI our universities are granted special powers under the MI Constitution. Any legal challenge would probably fail under that. What we do have though is a bill introduced in both the House and Senate chambers that would change our CCW laws to allow permit holders to carry on campuses. Not sure if those bills will ever actually be voted on but they are discussed a lot in local talk radio and papers.
I saw this come up in Texas during our last session of the legislature. The first thing that we have to do is have a lot of facts available and publicize them. To hear some of the local leftists talk, one would think that the proposed law would have resulted in schools being required to issue full-auto M-4's to 18-year old freshmen. Most of the arguments centered around the idea that college students were not "mature" enough to carry. Where I teach, over half of our student body are over 25, have families, jobs, and no problem getting Texas CHL's. Even our traditional age students would not all be carrying. Only the ones who are 21 or over (traditional Juniors and Seniors) and, if they have a Texas CHL, they can carry in the State Capitol building or in the streets of downtown Austin, anyway--just not on campus, for heaven's sake.

I would love to be able to carry on campus. As a 61-year old professor, I should be responsible enough to carry on campus, and I don't believe that crossing the campus boundry or entering one of the buildings instantly makes me derranged or irresponsible. The same for my students. I have had 18-year old students (not most, but a few) who would be perfectly welcome to CCW in any classroom of mine. In fairness, I have some faculty collegues, as old as I am, whom I would not trust with a ping-pong ball. They'd probably put their eye out with it.