Number of Rounds fired annually vs. Number of injuries/deaths?


New member
Any pretty good guesses or maybe even hard data of the number of rounds shot each year in the various firearm competitions (formal and informal) compared to injuries and deaths that occur during the competitions? I'm thinking that the shooting sports are actually pretty safe, especially compared to, say, swimming pool deaths, ATV deaths, etc. Thanks for any and all input, please air your thoughts on this.

I've seen a few injuries (mostly hand/knee) in many 10,000's of rounds. It's more safe than work for me.
Sharp rear sight on my BUL gets me every once and a while. (usually during remedials when I am hurrying) Cuts my support hand as I rack the slide.

Minor blood letting because of this is my most significant injury in many years of shooting.

In terms of deaths I have only heard of one. Some crazy richochete off a rock that jumped a berm and stuck a bystander standing quite a distance away in the temple. It would not of been fatal except for the location of the impact. A real unfortunate 1 in a million type of accident.

Now regarding injuries it is also lower than most sports. Most common are twisted ankles and knees but there are a few poor trigger disipline, or equipment issues that have lead to self shootings. Mostly on the draw.
If you include ordinary range shooting, then a similar incident happened to a young man by the name of Trey Cooley, except it was due to the accidental firing of two rounds instead of one. The second round was deflected off a galvanized roof and escaped the range on a downward trajectory between the roof edge and the end of the wall. It carried on to the lobby entrance of the club itself and hit Trey in the head. It was a fatal wound and the shooter did not even realise it had happened until some time afterwards.
I don't have a link, this was explained very nicely in a documentary a few years ago.
The one that yar is talking about happened at Dallas pistol club, the boy was at another part of the range where an air rifle match was being held. Much more odds than 1 in a million.
Thanks for the info, I've heard of botyh incidents before, but forgotten them. Anyone else like to weigh in here?