NSSF Update

There was a lot for the NSSF to report on this week. Here's the link:


High points:

  1. Although the lawsuit against the new New York law hasn't gained traction (at least not yet), another federal judge has put the brakes on similar legislation from New Jersey.
  2. The BATFE pistol brace rule is mentioned again
  3. Going back to the Sutherland Springs, Texas, church massacre, a court has found the Air Force to be liable because they failed to report the shooter to NICS. Naturally, the AF is appealing.

There's more. This week's update has a lot more information than usual that's of interest to all of us. Usually they are more oriented toward issues affecting manufacturers and gun shops.
In addition to legal news, (some very good indeed!), I see much grandstanding, including reintroduction of the Hearing Protection Act, which, like many of the others introduced, will never, ever, ever make it through the Senate or be signed into law. When they had a majority and a Rep Pres, they couldn't be bothered.
armoredman said:
In addition to legal news, (some very good indeed!), I see much grandstanding, including reintroduction of the Hearing Protection Act, which, like many of the others introduced, will never, ever, ever make it through the Senate or be signed into law. When they had a majority and a Rep Pres, they couldn't be bothered.
Yes, I noticed the same thing. Just to clarify, though -- the NSSF just reported this stuff. The grandstanding is by certain R politicians in Washington.
Of course - I didn't mean NSSF, appreciate the reporting - it IS the R's who pander to the base when they know there is no possibility for their bill to get through - the Left is already doing it in the House now that they are the minority, "See what we could do if only you gave us the power back?"
It is a sad fact that some members of the R party consider gun owners a "captive audience". They will pretend to listen and promise to work for us, but don't really bother, since, as they see it, "where else are we going to go?"

For damn sure the other party advocates gun control (it became one of their "party planks" some time ago), and they show no interest in changing that.

Individual members of both parties do try, but they simply aren't enough without support from the rest, not much in our favor gets done.