NRA Voting Members ... Ready Yourselves

Bud Helms

Senior Member
NRA voting members should watch for the March issue of your NRA magazine and be prepared to be insulted one more time.

Read the Neal Knox Report.

On the internet, I have read the general citizenry called "sheeple", in reference to our willingness to be led and herded about as sheep by our "leaders" in government. At times it seems appropriate .

There is an analogy to that situation in the NRA today, IMHO. The good news: the membership is growing and we seem to be having some affect in our fight to preserve our precious Second Amendment. BUT ... and this is important, the bad news is, the voting NRA has generally let a few leaders at the top lead them by the nose. That's not leadership on their part, that's laziness on our part.

We can relax and let the NRA take care of all this troublesome stuff or we can walk outside and look at that faded bumper sticker that says, "I'm the NRA" and think about what it really means.

Gun-free school zones, NICS checks for all guns, BATF files on those who buy guns, candidates for the presidency that publicly and proudly announce an attack on the Bill of Rights. How the hell did this happen? Okay how many of you are NOT registered to vote. See? ... it ain't over. It has only begun.

We got where we are today in small, unnoticeable steps. We can only get back to where we should be the same way. Too many of our fellow citizens think this is the way it has always been and should stay. Mark this: we will never return to the free and open society we once had. Too late. Done. But we can repair some of the damage.

Start where your passions motivate you the most, in those organizations you have chosen to represent you, like the NRA. But if you want the NRA to speak for you, then you have to watch it, just like any other bureaucracy, and not let it think for itself.

Keep 'em in touch with their roots. You and me. We are the NRA. They aren't taking my NRA away. I'm voting. But before I vote, I'm gonna try a little self-education. I'm gonna read everything I can at the NRA web site, Gunowners of America, The Firearms Coalition Online, The Second Amendment Home Page and every other place I can find.

I don't want the U.S. to look like the rest of the world.

Sensop (NRA Lifer, GOA Lifer)

"Get your mind right and the body will follow. Focus." - Shino Takazawa, sinsei, hachi dan, Keishinkan do.
Sensop's Corner

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited January 25, 2000).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sensop:
NRA voting members should watch for the March issue of your NRA magazine and be prepared to be insulted one more time.

On the internet, I have read the general citizenry called "sheeple", in reference to our willingness to be led and herded about as sheep by our "leaders" in government. At times it seems appropriate .
There is an analogy to that situation in the NRA today, IMHO.

I talked to my federal reps several times...they have said the NRA isn't very aggressive...

A major complaint I've heard is that the lobbyists are soft on the issue. This is at both the state and federal levels.
Wayne Lapierre has been President for a long time. Maybe it's time for him to go...time for new, more aggressive blood at the top.

Charleton Heston is a hell of a spokesperson, he is great...eloquent, impassioned...

But I reckon it's time for new folks at NRA leadership positions.
In the latter part of the 1960's, I lived in NYC, and one day, at a city council meeting, which turned out to be pretty much "a dog and pony show", I ran into Mr. Woodson Scott, a corporate lawyer, who was than an NRA spokesperson. As I recall, he sat on The Board of directors, though he might have held higher office, I just don't remember.

In any event, his claim to fame was the admonition, re relationships with the anti-gunners or interaction with them, that "we should be reasonable and gentlemanly". This sounded like hogwash then, and the sound hasn't changed in the least, over the years.

It might be that some of the leadership of NRA is drifting back toward that failed policy, notwithstanding the ample historical evidence of it's worthlessness, and inherent potential for great mischief. Same applies to some of the members, and to gun owners, shooters and such, in general.

Seems like the answer to this might be found in the following. Dogs tend to have fleas. If one lies down with dogs, there is a very great liklehood that they too will have fleas. With the anti-gunners, there is absolutely no room for compromise, for the only thing that as a result of such interaction is compromised, turnms out to be our rights, and the anti-gunners ALWAYS come back for MORE.

Any NRA "leaders" who cannot grasp this basic trueism, should be advised to seek employment elsewhere. We do not need such as they.
Here in Indiana, My state Rep. said" Can't go against the NRA." I hope he still thinks that. I just urged him to support pending legislation to outlaw gun manufacture lawsuits by cities.
contentents deleted -- when all else fails, read directions.

Nevada alt C.A.N.
The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

[This message has been edited by Oatka (edited January 25, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Oatka (edited January 25, 2000).]