NRA Video


New member
Has everyone received their copy in the mail? It's about 15 minutes long and shows what happened in UK and AU. Had me hopping aroud the room throwing stuff because it showed a bunch of lethargic folks that sat around (and are still sitting around) doing nothing to stop big brother.

I hate to say it but I see alot of the same here, present company excluded. We're heading right down that road.

The only thing I didn't like, aside from the reason for the video, was they asked for money at the end. I understand the reason but I think it detracted attention from the message.

BTW, I'm making it required watching for the folks that work for me.
I never got a copy.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry

ICQ no. 46780559
The video arrived 4 days ago. I wasn't expecting it and didn't have to pay for it. The money they are asking for at the end is to ship more video's and for people to join. I don't see why they wouldn't send you one if you contact them through their web page.

Be sure you are calm when you watch it though....
Guess they sent mine on a tramp steamer by way of Dakkar - Singapore - Hawaii - Cape Horn - you get it :)
Great site Kimber Man - (favorite hangun? list is awfully big, starting from SIG P220, through GP-100, S&W 629 alas, so many more!)
Through a fellow countryman in Texas have heard that its a good video. The subject is worth it. The gov't of Australia has provided us with a good argument against the anti's - but at a hideous cost to our Oz buddies: Even to the non- gun people, a huge waste of cash!
To HS, Bruce, Rabbit David, others - of course - 'nuff said.
I haven't received a tape but the NRA has been running an "infomercial" on the Outdoor Life channel that seems to be the same thing. It's been on saturday mornings @ 9:00 A.M. CST.

[This message has been edited by Karanas (edited August 28, 1999).]
I got mine about 4 days ago. My wife, who does not particularly care for guns got mad as hell. Wanted to know who the hell they thought they were. I told her the enemy. At least she now understands my rants and raves when ABC, CBS and NBC along with certain politicians get on the tube. I think that was the highest my BP level has ever risen too.
I think gun control and confiscation are bad for my health.
Paul B.