NRA Training Questions


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I'm federal LE for a small agency (about 400 agents) and have been a part time FI for that agency for the past 20 years, up until a few years ago when I moved into full time management I would run some sort of class or qual about once a month. All my instructor and firearms training has been via LE or military, either at FLETC, FBI, FAM, or other state or local LE or via a contract with a place like Blackwater, Xe, or STS. Some courses came with a cert, others were ad hoc things and didn't. Some is old from back in the day, some is more current. I've also had multiple armorers courses for almost all platforms from ARs, to 870s, to Glocks and SIGs, etc....

Concurrently a lot of this has been a hobby and I've done a lot of collecting from C&R to modern stuff, casting and reloading, lots of different builds, from ARs to AKs, as well as shot matches such as IPSC, Highpower, etc... I've also taught or help teach new shooters, new shooters classes, and self-defense classes for women or immigrants.

I'll be retiring sometime in the next 6-18 months. I don't want to prepare for a post-retirement full time career in training and instruction but would like to keep my hand in. My tentative plan had been to volunteer to teach basic courses and self-defense. I had planned on getting some NRA instructor training but now that I'm thinking it's time to sign up for some I'm a little taken aback by the profusion of courses and their cost and the lack of a clear course map. I'm looking for guidance on what i should think about taking and in what order and what would be the most efficient course map for me....any help or thoughts are appreciate.

All my formal firearm instructor training has been either Military or LE. My LE Cert. remains valid after I retired as long as I instruct at least one class a year.

I too, in my retirement years wanted to (and do) keep my hand in the training field.

I dont know where you live, but in my state (Wyoming) the requirement for being a CC instructor requires LE Instructor (past or present), or ANY NRA instrustor Course. Doesnt matter if its pistol, rifle, or shotgun.

The only NRA Instructor Course I attended was the NRA LE RIFLE INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPEMENT SCHOOL.

My Cert. for that course was and is accepted by the State of Wyoming to certify people to obtain CC Permits.

I may be wrong, but from my understanding the NRA (civilian) Instructors course require the instructors to follow certain guide lines. There are no such rules or guidlines for the LE Instructor Classes.

This allows me to modify my class to fit realistic SD situations that you dont normally find in a NRA CC class. For example, pocket carry, cross drawing, and such.

I may be wrong about the NRA Shying away from those examples, but thats my understanding from talking to other NRA Instructors.

In short. Before retirement, you might consider one of the other NRA LE instructor courses IF your retirement state accepts those courses.

A lot of the major schools use adjunct instructors. The place I used to work only had about 10 “full time” instructors. Everyone else (400+) were part time, teach when you can type positions.

We had guys that would teach all the time, and guys i would see once a year.

I dont know where you are located, but big(ish) schools exist all over the country.

Ya might want to check into something like that.
I'm municipal (local) LE with 19+ years under my belt. I've got about 5 1/2 years to go.

I've been a FI for most of that time. I have several NRA LE (handgun & shotgun, patrol rifle and tactical shooting instructor) certifications as well as handgun & rifle and patrol rifle certifications issued through PA State Police. I was also able to convert my NRA LE credentials into NRA non-LE certifications (pistol, home firearm safety and personal protection in the home). I also do LEOSA qualifications.

I got the NRA non-LE certifications for possible post retirement employment, hopefully working at a nearby local indoor range. I don't plan on doing the venture by myself as I don't have my own personal range. I can use a friends property as an outdoor range, but I would prefer to have my own property.

To do the NRA non-LE courses, there is a set cost for the individual packets. What you charge beyond that would be up to you. Also, you must follow their course material in order to issue the NRA certifications to your students. The courses are pretty well laid out for you.
Spur - my background is similar with all law enforcement instructor training. When I retired, I took a bunch of NRA instructor courses and they are different from what we were taught at the academy (or FLETC for you). Trinidad State Junior College has a program that runs year round for all sorts of NRA instructor training. Recognized as a NRA Training Center, they also offer a certificate program. They also run the entire program during the summer.

Kraigway is right about the NRA instructor program. They want you to follow their cookie cutter. I do throw in some extras that are from law enforcement as it improves competence. The NRA does this because only God knows who walks into the door and signs up for a class.

Law enforcement have pre-screened people (background, psych) who are supposedly trained at their academy/FLETC. So, you've got a known standard you are working with when you deal with sworn personnel. Additionally law enforcement training is much more flexible and allows the trainer to tailor the course of fire or instruction to situations that members of their agency may face.
Brother.. it looks like you have plenty of experience, I am not sure why you are seeking NRA certificates. In looking at your resume, I would consider NRA training as the lesser of what you have received. NRA or no NRA would not be any sort of deal breaker with me.
In previous discussions of this issue, folks mentioned that the NRA course (for better or worse) are a credential that aids in marketing oneself.

As an aside, both Tom Givens and Massad Ayoob offer instructor courses (not cheap) that are well respected as an industry standard.
Glenn E. Meyer said:
As an aside, both Tom Givens and Massad Ayoob offer instructor courses (not cheap) that are well respected as an industry standard.
They may be well respected by the in crowd, but are they accepted by the state? My state requires the NRA Basic Pistol as qualification for a carry permit. NOT eirther of the Personal Protection courses, NOT Home Firearms safety, NOT First Steps ... only NRA Basic Pistol.

I have been told that a VERY few retired state troopers have gotten their own classes approved by the State Police. That took place after the NRA shot itself in the foot (and cut certified instructors off at the balls) by shifting to an on-line instruction program. The retired staties are basically teaching the former NRA Basic Pistol class ... but they can't call it that, so they got it approved again under another name. It helps to be one of the club. I seriously doubt I could get the finest introductory class in the world approved, since I'm not a retired state trooper.