NRA steps into gun suit fray


New member
The NRA has announced that it will be advocating federal legislation to limit compensation for attorneys in tort suits and state legislation to prohibit the type of liability proposed by those filing suit against the firearms industry.

For more info visit <a href=""> NRA Live </a>

I never got a reply back from ATRA as to their position on this suit. That's strange as with so many outraged gun owners they have an opportunity to boost their political muscle considerably. I hope they're not too politically correct to deal with us.

I think the NRA's on the right track with this. Call your senators and congress folks now state and federal. Write letters, post on the internet, get your gun clubs to ask their members to call/write lets show these arrogant attorneys that they're in for a real fight, and that while they may have a slight chance of winning this battle, they risk losing the war.

Tort reform is long overdue. The MacDonald's hot-coffee lawsuit is but one blatant example of the abuses of our legal system which threatens the very creativity, enterprise and fabric which made this nation great.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subvenuint