NRA Service Rifle Legal?


I'll probably get a White Oak upper with my tax refund, but for right now I have two rifles that would possibly be okay for NRA High Power.

First is an M14 Armscorp NM receiver. NM sights, Criterion barrel, supermatch stock, Sadlak gas piston and spring guide, et cetera. Nice rifle, but right now it's not feeling well. The op rod barrel guide is loose and needs to be tightened so it doesn't have any horizontal play.

I have a match I want to shoot in for the first time in March.

I have this rifle right here:


It's a Cavalry Arms MkII lower with a Delton 1:9 A2 20" upper. Standard GI 1MOA sights. It originally came with standard handguards and a delta ring, but I changed those out awhile back for a Hogue two-piece free floated handguard that I found for cheap. It didn't have a mount point for a sling swivel, so I "improvised" one.

Can I shoot this in the service rifle division?

Reading the NRA Service Rifle rules, I find this:
3.1 Service Rifle - As issued by the U.S. Armed Forces, or the same type and caliber of commercially
manufactured rifle, having not less than 4 1/2 pound trigger pull, with standard type stock and standard type
leather or web sling. External alterations to the assembled arm will not be allowed. The application of synthetic
coatings, which includes those containing powdered metal, to the interior of the stock to improve bedding is
authorized provided the coating does not interfere with the function or operation of safety features. The front and
rear sights must be the standard or National Match design, but may vary in dimensions of rear sight aperture and
front sight blade. The rear sight aperture may be hooded. The internal parts of the rifle may be specially fitted and
include alterations that will improve the functioning and accuracy of the arm, provided such alterations in no way
interfere with the proper functioning of the safety devices as manufactured. The rifle must be so modified as to be
incapable of automatic fire without removing, replacing, or altering parts. The gas system must be fully operational

(c) U.S. Rifle, Caliber 5.56mm M-16 series - In all courses of fire and in all positions the standard 10, 20-
round or 30-round box magazine or a reduced capacity magazine of the same external dimensions will be
attached. A case deflector (DC-T-30 or commercial equivalent) is allowed.

Does the free-floated handguard constitute an "external alteration?"

Considering the pedigree (or lack thereof) of this rifle and the fact that I'm a novice high power shooter, am I likely to get an exemption for this rifle so I can shoot in service rifle and learn the ropes of a match? I don't have any illusions of winning. Mostly just curious how High Power matches are structured and see how I compare to the skill levels present at these matches.

I'm hoping to have my M14 back by the end of march, but it won't be available for this match. I did NOT enjoy disassembling the upper on this rifle to put the free-float tube on and I definitely don't want to undo that between now and the march 20th match. I can't get a White Oak upper until my tax refund comes, and I'm not likely to get it with time to order an upper before march 20th. It's either this rifle, or nuttin' at all.
The free floated hand guard is legal.

But, let me fill you in a little bit about High Power, they are real forgiving on new shooters, unless you are at a Big Match I doubt they will have a seperate catagory for Service Rifle and Match, if anyone throws a fit, (which they wont) enter as a match rifle.

Leg or EIC matches are the only place it makes a differance, and looking at that rifle, (picture) it looks to me like you are good to go.

The main thing is get to a match and start shooting, you;'ll find older shooters more then willing to get you started right.

You cant go wrong with a White Oak Upper, its the top of the line.
+1 to kraigwy's post.
Unless the match is a high level registered affair few will say anything but 'welcome' to a new shooter. If for some reason you are forced to shoot in the match rifle catagory you can still enjoy the match. It's the same course of fire,time limits and targets. Go, shoot and have fun.
In one way I'd have to disagree with the other posters: as far as the Service Rifle goes, that hand-guard wouldn't be legal, as it is certainly different in external appearance from a issued service rifle. There *are* service rifle legal free float hand-guards, but they have been engineered to be virtually identical to an issued rifle.

That said, I can't imagine that anywhere but a big registered match would care that much especially with a new shooter. The general thought seems to be it's best to encourage people to come shoot, and help them as much as possible. Nit-picking over details is not a good way to encourage new shooters. So I think you'll be warmly welcomed at a match, you'll find people who want to help you get better.
Oh, did I say: Go shoot?

That particular free-float handguard could probably be challenged in a registered Service Rifle match. Others not. The rifle has to look like an issue weapon. My RRA NMA4 has a free-float handguard, but it looks just like an issue hanguard. But as kraigwy said, go shoot. No one will make a stink for a first-timer. The idea is to go have fun, and you can ask questions and learn from others who have been doing it for a while.

If you are shooting by High Power rules, it's different.
I agree that the handguards would disqualify it as a Service Rifle. Definitly at a CMP-sanctioned match. Depends on how your NRA match director feels. Either way, you will get to shoot it. Either as a Service or a Match rifle at an NRA event.
Legal no, allowed to shoot, probably

Neither your upper nor lower would be legal in a registered Service Rifle match. They're pretty sticky about what an issue rifle looks like, right down to specifying what stock it can have (A1 or A2, and as of this year, LE Entry). Regardless, your float tube would never make it in any Service Rifle definition. The legal ones fit under standard AR-15/M-16 handguards, which are also required.

However, lots of guys usually show up with match rifles and other guns that don't satisfy the Service rifle rulebook, and normally these will make up a separate match, as long as there are enough of them (normally five). Either way, they will usually let you fire at anything but a State Championship, you just won't be competing for the awards.
I've been thinking about just reverting the thing back to its non-floated configuration with the delta ring and regular handguards, just to avoid any problems.

My primary (m14) is back up and running again, and I shoot it better anyways.

Garandpa: The Cav Arms MkII lower is a regular A1 buttstock, it just happens to be one piece with the receiver.

I shot this rifle at a match at the end of March. I'll be going to more matches in the future, but with my M14 instead.

Thanks for the advice, all.