NRA Salute

Jack 99

New member
New member here, so take it easy on me. Some of you from may recognize me.

Just wanted to relay a little experience I had yesterday at Costco in San Diego. I was wearing my NRA hat and walking by a guy in the parking lot loading stuff into the trunk of his car. He was also wearing his NRA hat and had an NRA sticker on the back window of his car. This guy was late middle aged and looked pretty normal, but when I said "Howdy" (literally) and gave him a little wave, he shrunk back like I had broke some taboo. He looked at me and looked directly at my hat and sort of froze. I walked by without saying anything else, but after I passed I had to look back over my shoulder to see if he was still mortified. He was.

I really don't know what to make of the whole experience except that if this is how we (gun owners) relate to each other we can't expect to win over too many converts. Maybe we need to initiate an NRA salute. Then when we see each other, we don't need to have any awkward downward glances or anything. I probably see 2 or 3 NRA hats a week, maybe more, at the grocery store etc. and I've decided to start giving some kind of salute. I don't really know what that's going to be just yet, but I refuse to be ashamed of being a gun owner anymore. Hopefully the salute will catch on, at least here in SD.

This is stupid, we're engaged in healthy, safe, purely lawful activity and many of us hide in the shadows pretending we don't own black plastic guns. Then when we see each other on the street and we shrivel like we're ashamed to associate with each other. If that's the case, we've already lost the battle.

Oh yeah, I rant a lot.
I just nod and give a thumbs-up, unless the person's an old military sort, in which case I'll give him a casual (but still within regs) salute. The usual response is a grin
and a returned salute, especially from SASS members.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Good to see you here JACK99. I like the way you think. I am tired of hearing pro-gunners "hiding" and not speaking out about their hobby and beliefs.

I'm not a hat person but my truck has NRA, GOA and TSRA stickers on the back window.

Speak up my friends and be silent no more!

The other day when I was leaving the grocery store, a guy with a Denver Bronco hat gave me the thumbs up and said "howdy" to me. I muttered something dumbly and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out who he was and where I knew him from.

I forgot that I was also wearing a Denver Bronco Hat.

I forgot I was wearing a hat at all.

I don't think I would accuse the gentleman in question of "hiding" and not speaking out about his beliefs. He was, after all, wearing the hat.

As far as a NRA salute... how long will it take for the media to turn it into the ol' "heil Hitler" kind of thing? They would love that. You do have a good point, so for now on, my official salute is going to be: "Hey, Nice Hat!" :)
I'm sorry, what leapt into my mind was grainy black and white footage of thousands of people shouting "Hey, nice hat!" in unison ;)
Thousands? Hmm. Nice thought!
Let's turn that into millions! :)
Let's also recognize the other gun organizations the same way, "Nice hat!"
it's good to see someone with musical taste in here. ;)

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Jack, I wouldn't worry about that guy. He was probably just having an early 'senior moment'. ;)

I can see it now ... hundreds of thousands in the stands ... all wearing hats ... 'Gimme an N!' ... 'Gimme an I!' ... 'Gimme a C!' ...

It'll be a movement!

I think 'nice hat!' covers it pretty well. Just received my leather, NRA life member jacket, and I think I'll wear it to our nicer theaters around here this winter. Should be interesting to see those looks as well ...

I do agree - no more apologies. When some fool makes an ignorant comment about the jacket, I'm going to do my utmost to make him / her aware of their profound ignorance ... diplomatically, of course. ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 07, 1999).]