NRA membership part II


Well guys, that's about what I expected to hear. So far I've heard:

NRA sucks!
NRA loses too much of the time
I call/write/email on my own
Legislation is too little too late lets march on Washington
Everyone immediately commence open carry and force the government's hand

I think I do like what Mr. Heston had to say in his speeches recently regarding civil disobediance. If a law is immoral and/or unconstitutional then disobey it.

In the mean time, I will be a responsible gun owner and concealed carry permit holder. I will buy as much ammo and firearms as I please as often as I like. I will not be a slob and wear cammo day and night. I will practice often and well, and I will study my chosen avocation. I will hold to my convictions like iron and I will not back down. The Second Amendment will be a litmus test for me in the political arena; no support for it means no vote from me.

Hope LaPierre reads this forum.

Life is hopelessly complex for those who have no principles.
One of the immoral/unconstitutional laws I break constantly is the ccw permit law. I don't need a permit to exercise my right to self-defense, or my right to keep and bear arms. One of my major problems with the NRA (Life Member), is that they will NOT support Vermont-style carry, instead they keep pushing for permits.

If a politician can't trust you with your guns, how in the hell can you trust him/her with your vote?

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Ipecac, I'm standing right here!
Hank "with my back to your's" NRA Life and appreciate what you are saying.

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited June 22, 1999).]
You read the same law I do? ;)

I need nor want nor will tolerate anyone's permission.

My affiliations: GOA,GOC,JPFO
"If a politician can't trust you with your guns, how in the hell can you trust him/her with your vote?" -- Ipecac

So, shall we vote them again and again? Or should we try something different?

Vote - for a change!

((Bet it's getting tiresome, huh?))
Dennis, what was that you were saying about voting? I forgot.

DC, I recently visited your neck of the woods (from alaska, anywhere in your state is your neck of the woods) Death Valley Park. I enjoyed myself immensely, roaming Kalifornia and a National Park while impeccably groomed in the social sense. ;)

As far as Death Valley goes, I have one word of recommendation for the Park: sprinklers.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
If the US Constitution says that government cannot infringe on my right to keep and bear arms why should I ask their permission?
I used to have a CCW but deemed it unnecessary.
The only chance we have is with the Second Amendment.I do not support compromise.I joined the NRA about 30 yrs ago.I used to correspond with their leadership and when they ceased being responsive I left.
When you think about it,there is only one peaceful answer. We have to elect representatives who support our point of view.And we need a Supreme Court ruling in our favor.

Better days to be,

I maintain my membership in the NRA for one reason-to obtain voting privileges. I ask others to join the NRA for the same reason.
Eventually, if enough of us do this we can change the direction of the NRA in order to fulfill its potential as the largest gun lobby organization.

I was betrayed by the NRA in 1986 over the new machine gun ban. I will never forgive the people responsible.

I am a member of the NRA, a Life Member of GOA, and a member of JPFO.
Once I've paid the money for a Life Membership, I'm not gonna bother to protest when things don't suit me. I vote in NRA elections just as in Dem/Rep/Lib elections.

I give some $300 or so a year to pro-gun lobbying efforts. On those occasions when I cut a fat hog in the butt, I give more.

I write letters to Congress and send emails and try to discuss (as opposed to "argue") gun issues with non-gunners.

I also live in the world as we know it, from a legal standpoint. It may be un-Constitutional that there is an Income Tax and an IRS, but I don't want to go to jail--and they'll damned well put you there for arguing. For disagreeing.

Same for gun laws. The reality is that too many voters will happily trade security for freedom, and arguers and disagreers upset these folks. So, their answer is, basically, "Jail those law-breakers!"

I firmly agree with Mao's dictum: "All political power comes from the muzzle of a gun." Gummint has guns, laws on paper, the sheeple and the media.

"It's the economy, Stupid!" and not abstractions like freedom and dignity.

Once again, pardon my cynicism. Rant switch off...
