NRA Marksmanship Programs - anyone doing these?


New member
I am looking for folks who are currently doing the NRA Marksmanship Programs and/or people who have done them in the past. I just started with the pistol qualifications and have some questions about the course of fire and terms, etc.

Be happy to share progress and talk about techniques and tips and all that.

James :)

p.s. for example, I put up some plates and tried the Pro-Marksman today. I forgot that it said "benchrest" so I shot everything "offhand." My Ruger 22/45 Lite with a CT red/green dot reflex did great. I was doing well until I got to the Phase 2 weak side groups. I had to do a few re-shoots to get all 10 inside the plate. Also, I forgot that it said "2-Handed" and wasn't sure if that was for the strong/weak side phase - so I shot the strong and weak one handed. js.
If you want to shoot a more difficult stance than called for, no one is really going to complain. In rifle, where part of it is learning how to deal with the positions and to get into and out of them, it's different and you need to follow their rules and shoot from each specified position.