NRA Instructor locator page


Appreciate the link, certainly.

However I would offer a caveat. The fact that an instructor is NRA certified is no guarantee he's qualified to teach or that he will do a good job.

I recently took a handgun course "required" for my concealed carry.

The instructor made it quite clear he would get the requirement over with so we'd get our certificate. He did not make it clear that he intended to teach us anything.

He gave wrong information about the licensing process, provided no course material or handouts.

He taught nothing about handgun safety. Most of the class was "war stories" and his advice on what to do if we ever did shoot somebody.

He took us into the woods to shoot, did not check anyone's weapons. When one student loaded her revolver while it was pointing at the rest of us, he told her husband "You need to teach her how to handle that."

It's a nice certificate and I do have my permit now.

It does scare me a little that the rest of the class does too.
Wally, that instructor sounds like a moron. You should have reported him to the NRA. They do take allegations seriously and will investigate. Additionally, they will sit in on classes to see if that instructor is teaching what they are supposed to be teaching.

There is never any guarantee of getting a good instructor based purely on credentials. Your best bet is to rely on references and do some additional research.
Not All Instructors are equal

In North Carolina the fact that one is an NRA Instructor does not qualify that person to teach the concealed carry class. The state approves CCW instructors and stipulates the basic subject matter.

I am an NRA instructor but did not apply to teach the state mandated class for concealed carry. The class that I attended was pretty well done - covered the basics of use of force and the range time was at a well equipped indoor range. You had to shoot at or above the minimum score to pass.

I have taught several classes in basic handgun but it has always been my understanding that to teach that class as an NRA class you did not charge a fee. That might have changed or I could have misunderstood but I have always taught that particular class pro bono.

Instructors do no one a favor when they skimp on what is taught. If you paid for the class it would appear that you did not get your moneys worth.

Charlotte, NC

Thanks for allow NRA instructors to post on your page, this is very much appreciated.

I must agree that not all instructors are the same.

Here in Ohio, you must complete 10 hours of classroom and 2 hours of live fire to qualify for you CHL. In a recent incident, a CHL applicant was rejected at the local Sheriffs office because he had a felony. The Sheriff was curious as to how he obtained his certification as the applicant was bared from owning and or handling firearms. The applicant, informed the Sheriff that his instructor had allowed the class to complete the 2 hour live fire portion with air soft, due to a lack of any range facility. Further investigation from the Sheriff's office reviled that this same instructor qualified 90+ applicant out of his 'basement' with airsoft!

It is 'YOUR' responsibility to investigate your instructor and verify his credentials.
While I agree in principle that it is "your responsibility to investigate the instructor and verify his credentials," I would suggest that the body issuing credentials has some responsibility as well. If there is none, what's the value of certification?

I happen to teach a unrelated state licensing course that does not require me to pay $300 to some "issuing authority" to be certified... but I did have to submit my syllabus, tests, etc. to the regulatory commission and a member of that commission attended and audited my second class.

Obviously, that's not a guarantee of competence either but it's evidence that the commission is trying.

I'm not upset over wasting my money... but for gun owners this is yet another example of "we have met the enemy and he is us." In most ways I would say that I'm fortunate to live in a state that hasn't restricted gun owner's rights... but we need to do a better job of protecting those rights by acting responsibly. If we don't police ourselves, others will be happy to do it for us.

It appears to me that NRA Instructor Certification is a simple matter of money. You have the money, you can get certified. I was shocked at how little information is available on the NRA site regarding certification, instructors, etc. What's there reads like "take this $300 course and be a certified instructor."

As John points out, in NC they don't consider NRA Certification a qualification to teach the CC Class. That's a shame and the NRA OUGHT to be embarassed. Same with the Ohio story... maybe the NRA should have some sort of rating system like Ebay and most of the auction forums where students rate their experience with the instructor... or do we care more about the competence and quality of the people we buy guns from than we do about those who teach people how to use them?

You know... that might not be such a bad idea!

Perhaps some of the certified instructors who take teaching seriously could lobby the NRA... or start an effective professional association of instructors!