NRA Informercials kicking butt

Futo Inu

New member
I literally stood up and cheered last Sat. morning during parts of NRA's membership drive infomercial - It was on a major network (NBC), and it showed the stats on how Australia's robbery rate is up 69% since the gun bans, how their murders with guns rate is up 21%, etc. Amazing statistics. When I worked the GOA booth later that day, when I did get one of the knucklehead tightwad rednecks to sign up (sorry, it was a nose-bloodying experience), they usually mentioned how they were shocked that England and Australia lost so many gun rights. No doubt the source of their knowledge was these NRA'mercials. NRA knows what they're doing now - not sure why it took em this long to take this aggressive approach, though.
I like the infomercials myself. I am surprised that NBC or any major media house ran one. I have been seeing them on the PAX network or TNN and similar channels that run hunting and fishing shows. My only real dislike for them, the NRA that is, is that they are being very aggressive in their recruitment efforts, but not in their stance agains gun grabbing idiots.
I agree, TAZ, the NRA is too soft on the legislative level and needs to grow some backbone. IMHO, they seem to be too trusting of snakes like Lott, Hatch, McCain, Hastert, etc. and forget it's only fear that keeps these critters from completely embracing gun control.

Notice right after Columbine they sensed the kinks in the NRA's armor and "suddenly" these jackels warmed to gun control. They along with most of the Republican Party will turn on us the second they believe it advantageous. The Democrats...well, we already know that story all too well.

Nevertheless, I am a Life Member of the NRA and proud to be so. I hope all gun owners put their disagreements aside and join.