NRA Info-mercial aired on 7/24 AM


New member
The NRA ran a TV commercial on 7/24 AM. I didn't catch any of the commercial exceptthe last couple minutes of Charlton Hesston talking about it.

I was wondering, if anyone else saw it, did it show footage of trucks dumping loads of firearm on the pavement? Huge electro-magnets picking them up and putting them in piles? "Government" workers cutting up firearms with a chop saw? Interviews with English and Australian citizens that were forced by new laws to turn in their heirloom firearms?

If anyone did not see this commercial, I have a video copy of the same, sent to me by the NRA a couple of months ago. It is very powerful, very scary, and exactly where this country is headed if we don't voice our opposition to the new laws being debated in congress now.

I know from previous "...NRA Membership" threads that many people are dissatisfied with the current workings of the NRA as an organization. That is OK, I am not trying to re-offend anyone's opinion. I have been passing my video around to friends that hunt and shoot trap. A couple that were not NRA members before have joined after watching. I would make copies of the video to send out to anyone interested in passing them around. Whether you join or not, this video should get you to become more active in the fight to protect what is left or our Second Amendment Rights. If it doesn't, please check your pulse. :')

Send me a private e-mail with your snail-mail address so that I can send a video copy by USPS.

See you at the pro-gun rallies in August!
Yeah I saw it too. Yes it's the same infomercial as your tape. They've been showing it on TNN for about a month now every Saturday morning. That stuff in Australia and England is pretty scary! I'd like to see it run on other channels (ABC, CBS, NBC)and at other times other that Sat mornings but I seriously doubt that they would show it. If they did it would probably be like 2 AM. :-(
I'm glad that somebody finally saw the same thing I (kind of) did. We only get 4 channels (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX) on our TV, but every so often, one of the other stations comes in, pretty fuzzy. I caught the last couple of minutes of Hesston talking on the end, and he talked about things that were on my video.

A lot of people must have already seen the show, or don't want to see it again, because I have only had 4 requests for copies.
You know what blows my tiny mind, the Jews that are Anti-selfdefense.
People just don't learn.
I saw that ad on Sat. sometime in the middle of the day. It was being aired on my local CBS(!) affiliate. Almost fell out of my chair.


"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe