NRA-ILA Poll (or Fund Raiser?)


Staff Emeritus
Recently the NRA Institute for Legislative Action sent me this poll:


It’s another “Emergency Update”! They state,


Your answers will help defeat gun bans by proving to Congress that gun
owners and NRA members are united in their support for the Second
Amendment. And your answers will help build support for honest
crime-fighting measures to keep violent criminals behind bars....”


The offered answers for most questions are: “yes”, “no”, “no opinion”.

I started to complete this poll but realized I was being forced into
answers I did NOT agree with. So, this is my draft response to
the NRA-ILA poll. I will consider ALL input before I finally send this to
the NRA.

1. Do you think that the NRA and NRA members are in any way
responsible for the tragedy that took place earlier this year in Littleton,
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

2. Do you agree with the NRA that background checks at gun shows
should be completed within 24 hours, or do you agree with Bill Clinton
and Al Gore that the government should be allowed so much time to
complete these checks that the gun show would be over?
a.___ checks should be completed within 24 hours.
b.___ government should have up to three days to complete the checks
c.___ no opinion.

I have a strong opinion but no available response. The closest
response, of course, would be “a” - but I don’t agree with that choice:

IF we MUST have gun checks:
-- Gun checks should be done as quickly as a MasterCard or VISA
credit check, ie within seconds.
-- NO records of specific guns bought and sold should be reported (let
alone recorded).
-- NO records of specific gun owners (buyers) should be kept.
-- The ONLY database should be of people who are NOT eligible to buy,
possess, or own a firearm.

3. Do you think the government should be allowed to tax law-abiding
gun owners by charging unlimited fees for background checks?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

Obvious answer is “no”. However, by answering “no” I am agreeing
that the government should charge “something reasonable” for
background checks. Grrrr.

4. Right now, the Clinton/Gore Administration is maintaining FBI files
on law-abiding Americans who legally purchase firearms. Do you agree
with the NRA that Congress should take action to end this illegal
gun-owner registration scheme?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

5. Do you believe the federal government should have the power to
dictate how many firearms you can buy or own?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

6. Would you support or oppose a total ban on the private ownership of
handguns across the United States of America?
Available answers: support, oppose, no opinion.

7. Do you believe than any firearm ought to be banned on the basis of
its appearance?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

8. Do you think the government should have the power to dictate
whether or not you are allowed to keep a loaded gun in your home for
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

9. Do you think that a law-abiding citizen like yourself should be put in
jail if a criminal steals your guns and uses them in a crime?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

10. Do you support the NRA’s call for full prosecution of violent
criminals who violate existing federal firearms laws?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

10a. No. I do NOT believe in, or support, most FEDERAL firearms laws
or FEDERAL prosecutions of violent crime. Most are states-rights
issues. Also, I fear that federal laws may criminalize innocent actions
and label them “violent” criminals or “terrorists”.

The prosecution of someone who innocently (ignorantly, forgetfully,
stupidly, etc.) brings a weapon to the airport security check in their
purse or briefcase is NOT the same as the premeditated murderer who
secretly puts a bomb in a radio. There is a difference in intent that the
law does not recognize.

If the goal is “security and safety” it could be accomplished without
“making an example” of someone who makes an innocent mistake or an
administrative error in packing a firearm in luggage.

10b. Remember how close Hillary came to setting a limit on the
number of cartridges or bullet components you could possess? It’s
none of their business!

11. Do you agree with the NRA that violent criminals who try to buy
guns should be prosecuted by the federal government instead of turned
loose on our streets as the Clinton/Gore Administration is doing?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

Again, this may be a states-rights issue. Also, I do not agree with the
extent of federal laws and possible fines and confinement. I’m not sure
what the federal government may call “violent” and won’t trust them
until I KNOW what the definition IS and WILL BE.

Obviously, I don’t want murderers, rapists, etc. running around with
guns. However, on an earlier TFL thread, many of us agreed that after
a felon has “paid his debt to society” he should have citizens’ rights
restored. (Many TFLers DISagreed, I understand.)

12. Do you agree with the NRA that the Clinton/Gore Administration
should enforce existing federal laws against juveniles who illegally bring
guns to schools?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

NO. These are not federal schools. States’ rights issue. But by saying
“no”, it looks like I support kids bringing guns to school!

13. Under current law, drug dealers who are caught with guns can be
sent to federal prison for five years. Do you agree with the NRA that
the Clinton/Gore Administration should being enforcing this law?
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

Yes = Guns are bad if certain people have them.
No = I’m in favor of drug dealers???
No opinion? Not likely! ;) But I do need help thinking through this

The gun is not the crime. Punish actions not the object. Furthermore,
many people believe drugs should be de-criminalized. I don’t think so,
but I’m wavering. I would be willing to de-criminalize drugs, as they
were early in this century, if we returned to our Constitutional form of

14. Do you agree that adults who supply violent juveniles and gang
members with firearms should be prosecuted by the federal
Available answers: yes, no, no opinion.

No. States’ rights issue. But this makes me look like I don’t favor
punishment! Not necessarily true!

15. To help NRA-ILA continue our fight in Congress to defeat gun bans,
and to help publicize the Clinton/Gore Administration’s failure to
prosecute criminals, will you make a special emergency contribution to
NRA-ILA today?
Available answers: yes, no.

No. I will maintain my Life Membership in NRA. But the NRA works too
much for compromising my guns rights away and too little toward
preserving and recovering my Constitutionally-acknowledged Rights.
Therefore, my donations will go elsewhere.

Additionally, I’m not convinced that this “poll” is even a poll. When
they ask for a donation at the same time:
- are they “saving money” by combining poll taking with fund raising?
- is my poll ignored completely, or
- is my poll ignored if I do NOT send money?

Well, folks, there you have it.

Which questions are arguable?
Which of my answers are arguable?

I need some help on this mess.

BTW, let’s save time and leave out the arguments about supporting the
NRA because they’re wonderful, always right, the best we can get,
better than nothing, our only hope for the future, they have done so
much for us in the past, etc.

The NRA says this will help defeat gun bans. However, with more that
22,000 gun laws on the books, I am less than convinced.

Considering the regimentations, accusations, and demonizations we
have suffered during the last fifty years, I am less than convinced.

Considering the increasing frequency of defeats for honest, taxpaying
gun owners, I am less than convinced.

Therefore, I am finished with blind, unquestioning support of the NRA.
Remember, the “Insta-Check” was the NRA’s idea!

All too often, the NRA have compromised away our natural rights. The
time has come to get those rights back - as guaranteed by the

If the NRA wants to prove that we support the NRA, then the NRA must
prove they support us. I am less than convinced.

So? Convince me.
I too received this pole/beg for money. And I sent it back filled out real close to the way you did. These type of poles do not give anyone the correct choise. You are being spoonfed the answers. Much like the news media poles, it's the way they ask the questions. I refuse to fall victim to this type of spoon feeding. However, I will support the NRA, GOA & others. We just need to let the leaders of these know what our feelings are.

Dennis - I agree with you all the way and I hope you will send a copy of your post here to Wayne LaPierre at the NRA. Recently, I was very disturbed to get a telemarketing phone call in the evening two days in a row despite my requesting no more telemarketing. I feel strongly that telemarketing is a real invasion of privacy and don't ever do business with firm that uses that approach. I sent an E-mail to the NRA and recieved a very rewarding response about my criticism of the organization I have supported for years calling me at home telling me I would be sent a book about the second amendment and, if I didn't like it, I could send it back. I was assured the program would be stopped.
I have been concerned recently with some posts I have seen critical of the NRA for compromising our rights by persons I am asssuming are not members as you and I are. I find it interesting there are some 80 - 90 million gun owners in the US and the NRA has only about 3 million members. If we had anywhere near 80 million members or even 10 million members, how much compromising would we have to do? Any time the anti - gun faction is defeated. the NRA is always given the blame (?credit?) by them. I don't see them blaming the GOA, 2nd Amendment Foundation, or the JFPFO for the defeat of the anti-gun program. It seems that some 3 million of us bear the cost of and effort of grassroots activities for something over 80 million gun owners.
I summary, I agree with your criticisms and hope you send them to the NRA. Might not do any good but couldn't hurt and it might help. Meanwhile, we need to get the freeloaders on the bandwagon so we can have enough members (voters) so that we don't have to compromise.



[This message has been edited by OJ (edited July 31, 1999).]
Thanks, fellas. I appreciate both agreements and arguments.

I don't want to send this off to the NRA before I'm sure I'm not quite as confused as I sometimes feel! :D

Within the next week or so, I'll send it to them.
Thanks again.
Hold the bus here a sec, gang! Read the first part of question 15 again. They're going to "continue our fight in Congress to defeat gun bans..."

Think about that phrase a sec, especially in light their recent past actions. They've already given up the good fight, and the only thing they're really saying they're willing to fight against is a "ban". Not compromises, not more laws, not registration, or limits or restrictions, just bans. They'll allow our freedoms to be legislated and frittered away, but they'll stand strong against a "ban". Hey, Wayne, wake up, by then, it's already way too late. With "friends" like this, do we need more enemies?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
I too received this "poll", and after reading it/trying to answer the questions, I put it through the shredder.

I support the NRA with an annual membership and through ILA "Friends of the NRA" dinners/fundraisers, but not these "emergency" campaigns. Especially when the wording of the poll itself tells why the NRA has been so pitifully unsuccessful in their attempts to limit infringements to the 2nd Amendment. That being, their persistant compromises to any position that infringes our 2nd Amendment freedoms.

The NRA will get my full financial backing on any sincere attempt to repeal ALL gun control laws on the books! Anything less than that is compromise, which I am against.

If I were running the NRA, I'd take them in the direction of the Gun Owner's of America (GOA)...that being...NO COMPROMISE! I would solidify and bring together ALL gun owners and demand the repeal of all gun control laws. I would inform my members of the threats to ALL of their freedoms, not just the 2nd.

The political deal making and compromising on principles would end abruptly. And any elected official who violated his oath of office would be on notice, with all of my members keyed into these violations.

I would spend money not on political bribes but on national advertisement campaigns, including television, radio, newspaper, billboards, etc. educating the public on what is happening to our freedoms and the truth about firearms.

NRA membership is pitiful at 3 million, considering that there is an estimated 80 million gun owners nationwide. Therefore increasing the membership roster would be paramount.

Why aren't these things already in place?
Hey Dennis,
surprise....I agree with you.....Have we ever considered asking the nra to put a representative on this board---heck it probably wouldnt work, they'd have to wear asbestos everything, and rich might go broke with all that we every send contributions to rich?...fubsy.
It's a fund raising letter, Dennis. I sincerely doubt that they even bother looking at how people answer; That would reduce the rate of return. (Which rumor has it is patheticly low; The firms sending these letters out for us make far more money on them than the NRA does.)

I just toss 'em in the garbage; If they want my opinion, they can try conducting a REAL poll. If they want my money, they can ask for it straightforwardly, and I'll tell them the same thing I've told them the last ten times they asked: I'll start donating money to the NRA again when the NRA stops defending the Tenth amendment, and our right to clearly worded laws, and starts defending the SECOND AMENDMENT. On the day they base their challenge of a gun law on the Second amendment, I start sending them money again. And not before.