nra-ila finally says something about Red's


ATF has been blatantly abusing Red's Trading Post for almost a year now and trying to shut them down over a tiny amount of paperwork errors. Finally the NRA-ILA says something. It's not available on NRA's website (heaven forbid nra publicize such blatant atf abuse), but nra's ILA (institute for legislative action) finally acknowledges Red's existence.

Considering the gravity of the situation (the blatant shutting down of gun dealers for no legitimate or even legal reason), I find nra's comment absolutely incredible. It feels like nra is being forced to comment on something they wish to ignore. Hey if I'm wrong then GREAT. I want to be wrong about that. I would like to think that nra cares about what the atf is doing to Red's. I just think nra's late comment is beyond weak.

The atf is so out of control (citizen control that is) that I believe that nra should have an entire section of their ILA website devoted to the rampant, ongoing, and blatant abuse from this awful agency. Is that really a lot to ask?

If you disagree with me, please do not play the tired old worn out card of accusing people of "nra bashing." State some specifics and make a counter argument if you think I'm wrong here. I think this is a legitimate issue. I think nra's response (or lack thereof) is a legitimate issue.

The nra incredibly uses the word "hope" and "reform" at the end of that statement. They seem to be saying that they are not going to do anything but "hope" when it comes to the blatant abuse of Red's. NRA seems to be refusing to publicize what atf is up to here. If nra simply contributed a little money to Red's legal bills, people would be more willing to contribute to nra.

By the way, did nra ever come to aid of KT Ordnance or Hollis Fincher in any way (verbal assistance counts I believe)? If nra did then PLEASE tell me because I'm not aware of any help from nra. I believe silence helps the BATFE in it's evil agenda.
On the NRA's "Cam & Coumpany" online nad Sirius radio show Red's has been mentioned predominately many times and the owner brought on for interviews and to explain the outrageous treatment. From other ILA people who came on I believe he is getting some pretty good support from the NRA.

I hope so. The NRA might not support a gun shop that had actually lost guns or couldn't account for them, but that is not the case with Red's. (from what I've seen).
From other ILA people who came on I believe he is getting some pretty good support from the NRA.
Is there any link to the ILA website where this "support" can be found?

I think only a small number of nra members and a few others listen to Cam & Company. I don't know a single person who will pay for radio.

A few low level ILA reps talking about it on the radio is a little different than taking an official position and/or helping Red's with some of their legal bills (which as I said would be a powerful fund raising tool the nra could be using).
Is there any link to the ILA website where this "support" can be found?

I searched the NRAILA site and couldn't find anything.

I also haven't listened to Cam & Country for awhile because I can't with my new job, but it's available for free on the internet any time, including recorded playback or live.

I won't pay for radio either! Though if I were a OTR trucker ... it would be great.
I'm trying to figure out what you want the NRA to do about Red's - go out there and hold his hand? Pay his entire legal bill? What? I thought gun owners were strident individualists. ;)

You know, Red's ain't the only gun shop in trouble in this country.

"Working together, it is our hope that we can continue our mutual efforts to reform BATFE once and for all to reduce and eliminate unjust harassment of legitimate gun dealers."

You don't want the BATFE reformed? You like it like it is? Really?

The referenced article specifically provides the link to legislation that the NRA has lobbied for to respond to this. Good thing the NRA did it. I guess GOA -- and everyone else -- were just too busy to get the job done.

The NRA did not cause the Reds problem (whatever is going on there). The NRA has lobbied congress to regulate the ATF.
I encourage everyone to bookmark and check frequently red's trading post blogspot, before making uninformed comments. This bickering among NRA/GOA/JPFO supporters is counterproductive, IMO. :confused:

GOA has been very active on behalf of Red's, as has jpfo. Run a search on either in the search block at the top of the blog. Browse through the blog entries to get up to speed.

Better yet, buy stuff from Red's. He had a killer deal on S&W 500's (2 3/4 barrel) last month... wish I had the scratch!

Ryan Horsley, Red's manager, is doing yoemans work to expose the rogue ATF, at considerable personal expense. We owe him a debt of thanks, and more.
I wish them well at Red's.

I hope they do a better job of filling out the forms so the next audit won't find the same problems that the last ones have. From the Times-News article:

"Red's manager, Ryan Horsley, admits when the business sold guns it sometimes left blank required parts of a gun purchase form, omitted a background check on a special order, failed to log multiple handgun sales to the same customer in five working days, did not keep track of guns returned to manufacturers, threw away denied applications dealers are required to keep for 20 years and failed to post a gun safety sign and pamphlets."

- From: Red's loses its gun license
By Cassidy Friedman
Times-News writer