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NRA-ILA Fax Alert

Vol. 6, No. -- 8/6/99


Ignoring mounds of scholarly research from the nation's leading constitutional scholars, including Lawrence Tribe (Harvard), Akil Reed Amar (Yale), William Van Alstyne (Duke), and Sanford Levinson (Texas) , CBS News furthered its elitist approach to "broadcast journalism," and fell further out of step with reality and a vast majority of law-abiding Americans in airing a blatantly biased "Reality Check" segment in which reporter Eric Engberg falsely claimed that the Second Amendment is not an individual right (See NRA-ILA Special Fax Alert 8/3/99). In response to NRA-ILA Executive Director James J. Baker's urging of NRA members and concerned citizens to contact CBS and voice their displeasure over erroneous and irresponsible reporting, gun owners have overwhelmed the telephones at CBS Evening News. Nonetheless, as reported in Friday’s USA Today, CBS spokeswoman Kim Akhtar said, "Everything Eric Engberg reported is true." As long as CBS is willing to stick by their guns by promo!
ting falsehoods and myths about
the Second Amendment, we strongly encourage you to continue your calls, faxes and letters to CBS Evening News, giving them their own reality check! CBS News's main phone number is (212) 975-3691 or (212) 975-6677, and their fax number is (212) 975-1893. Please encourage your friends, family members and fellow supporters of the Bill of Rights to call as well.


On the heels of CBS's attempt to recreate American history, The Diane Rehm Show, which airs on notoriously anti-gun National Public Radio (NPR), will broadcast a forum concerning various firearms-related issues on Tuesday, August 10 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. EST. Guests joining Diane Rehm are scheduled to be NRA Board Member Sanford Abrams, anti-gun "scholar" David Kennedy and a representative from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). Don't miss this opportunity to have your voice heard and stand up for our nation's law-abiding firearms owners. The show will begin taking calls at 9:30 a.m. EST, and you may contact NPR's The Diane Rehm Show toll free at (800) 433-8850. Again, please encourage your friends, family members and fellow Second Amendment supporters to call as well.


In meeting for the first time yesterday, the congressional conference committee assembled to resolve the differences between the House and Senate Juvenile Justice Reform bills underscored the divisiveness among members regarding any gun-control brought before the conference committee. Pro-gun Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), in referring to the Lautenberg gun show language passed earlier by the Senate said, "It can't pass. . . . You can't have that amendment written that way," In what should come as no surprise to NRA members, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) threatened that a failure by House and Senate leadership to come to an agreement would not signal an end to continued attacks on law-abiding firearms owners in stating, "If we don't get in done [in conference], we're going to get it done on other pieces of legislation this year." With a full debate on this issue less than a month away, it is critical that you call the conference committee members, as well as both your U.S. Sena!
tors and your U.S. Representati
ve, to ensure that no anti-gun language is included in the final conference committee’s legislation. You can call Senators at (202)224-3121, and Representatives at (202)225-3121. For more information on contacting committee members, please call NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800)392-8683.


During a U.S. House Government Reforms subcommittee hearing, HUD General Counsel Gail Laster admitted that HUD officials have consulted with at least two outside law firms about the possibility of a suit against the firearms industry -- consultations which were funded by your tax dollars! When directly questioned during the hearing as to whether HUD has plans of filing its own lawsuit, Ms. Laster answered, "Discussions with housing authorities have indicated that there is a broad interest in taking some kind of action to cut the costs of gun violence. HUD does not, however, plan on bringing its OWN action against the industry." Nevertheless, in her testimony, Ms. Laster refused to rule out the option for HUD to otherwise join in pending legal action against firearms manufacturers. Also testifying before the subcommittee were representatives of several gun manufacturers, including Jeff Reh, General Counsel for Beretta USA Corporation, who in response to HUD's discussions stated!
, "We make a lawful product. We
sell that product as requested by the public, in accordance with procedures set by the same federal government that is now talking about suing us for relying upon the very distribution system that the federal government established." Be sure to call your U.S. Congressmen and urge them to work against any federal funds being spent in support of reckless lawsuits aimed at a the lawful firearms industry


CALIFORNIA: When the legislature reconvenes on August 16, the state Assembly is expected to vote on SB 15 --potentially the most dangerous attack California gun owners have faced yet. By requiring that manufacturers submit all handguns for laboratory "safety" testing before they can be sold in the state, SB 15 would ban the retail sale of most used handguns made in the past 50 years because no testing labs exist, and some manufacturers have gone out of business. The bill would also outlaw the sale of a wide variety of new handguns that lack specific features. SB 15 is a giant step towards banning handguns altogether and must be stopped! It is critical that all NRA members call their Assemblyman before August 16 and ask him to vote "NO" on this proposal.. For a complete listing of capitol phone numbers, please contact the NRA-ILA's Grassroots Division.

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[This message has been edited by nralife (edited August 08, 1999).]