NRA election


New member
Is there a quick way to tell if a person on the ballot is a current board member or a new comer? I have intentions of voting only for new faces.
"only new faces" - Wow !
That's kinda like the way the Iranians did the Shah in 1979
and we all know how that turned out.

Nope, Do your home work and make your vote count!
Vote for the right change not just emotionally against established directors.
The "established directors" are the ones that sat back and allowed this corruption to be put in place. Lapierre's "yes men" are just as guilty as he is. Since there is no way of identifying who are the "yes men" and who are the good people, the only choice is to get rid of them all.
The "established directors" are the ones that sat back and allowed this corruption to be put in place. Lapierre's "yes men" are just as guilty as he is. Since there is no way of identifying who are the "yes men" and who are the good people, the only hoice is to get rid of them all.

The NRA board enabled Lapierre. One quarter of existing directors took money from La Pierre for "services". i won't vote for an existing director.

The new York attorney general is investigating the 200 million transfer of funds from the tax exempt NRA foundation to the NRA. She has subpoenaed 90 present and former board members.

Board members of organizations have been jailed over malfeasance and misfeasance in office. At the very least nearly all the members of the board are guilty of nonfeasance: Think general doofussness.
Think general doofussness.

Think general doofussness: I suspect that getting rid of the old faces many not be the best way to go. How about finding out who is involved in the looting. Have those people arrested and tried. Somebody had to be deeply asleep if that looting took place under their nose. I wonder how many people had to be involved to have this looting go on as long as it did. Some more sophisticated coverup.:mad:
J.G. Terry said:
How about finding out who is involved in the looting. Have those people arrested and tried.
How is a voting member supposed to find out who was involved, AND develop sufficient proof to persuade some law enforcement agency to arrest and try the [aleged] miscreants ... all before the due date for the ballots?

THe question before us in this thread is: How do we know who to vote for?
Is there a quick way to tell if a person on the ballot is a current board member or a new comer?

No. Peruse the persons bio very carefully. Some say the candidate is a present board member up front. Others are not so forthcoming.

This evening i went through all the bios: Found ten that were not present board members. At least one is a former board member. Will go over them again tomorrow.

I suspect that getting rid of the old faces many not be the best way to go.

Getting rid of the "old faces" who rubber stamped Wayne Lapierre's despotic actions is the only way to go.
According to a gentleman at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas this week, he is the only candidate who was not put forth by the nominating committee (in other words, the inner circle).

His name is Frank C, Tait. He has a web site:

I don't know the man and I am not endorsing him. I am passing along the information for you check out to your own satisfaction.
According to a gentleman at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas this week, he is the only candidate who was not put forth by the nominating committee (in other words, the inner circle).

Yes, i voted for Mr. Tait.

The system was designed to assure the re-election of current NRA board members.
The all powerful board of directors selects the candidates through their nominating committee.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with this?

The NRA convention this year could get interesting.
> How about finding out who is involved in the looting.

Even if they're not involved, they can't be doing their job without knowing about it.

That makes them equally guilty. Just like the driver of the getaway car who didn't actually shoot the bank guard, but he goes up on murder charges too.
OK. Latest AR is in the reading room and I am looking over the ballot. Then I read this and wonder what the hubub is all about. Could someone enlighten me?...
Then I read this and wonder what the hubub is all about. Could someone enlighten me?...

The hubbub is about waste fraud and corruption at the NRA. Said waste, fraud and corruption was aided and abetted by the existing NRA board of directors. Some NRA board members took money from Wayne La Pierre, head of the NRA.

Example: WLP wanted the NRA to purchase a six million dollar mansion in Texas for his exclusive use. Some board members defended said proposed purchase.
I tend to vote on the basis of who the prospective director is, what they have done, and whether they are Veterans. Just my bias. Wayne Lapierre is not a vet and the story of how he dodged the draft is well known. Same for a few others. Does anybody else remember who Harlon Carter was? We need folks on the BOD with skin in the game...