No...should've though. Wasn't feeling very well today though. But watching those people protest the NRA, holdin' those signs, basically blaming the NRA and us (the responsible law-abiding gunowners) for events such as Columbine had me cursin' and going crazy. I think I had my wife a little concerned, though she totally agrees with me that those protests were all a bunch of bunk.
I watched the NRA Convention on C-Span at 3 in the morning today. It was short and to the point. I'm proud to be an Endowment member of the NRA. When people say bad things about the NRA, mostly they repeat what they hear instead of really looking at the facts. It's a shame our President would use the tragedy in Colorado as a political tool to gain support for his anti-gun agenda. Yes, it's a shame, but not a surprise...

Join the NRA!!!
No, The wife and I had a lot of work lined up and I was looking forward to spreading info about FOUP at the Show, but we had no reason to go all the way to Denver just for the annual meeting.

Nope. Not this year. Denver makes my nose bleed and my heart burst. I used to really like Colorado--beautiful place to fish, but in the wake of recent events I feel I'll have to take my tourism dollars elsewhere.
Saw some bits and pieces today on C-SPAN. What I saw was pretty good, and I hope it was watched by those who are undecided. It will show those people that NRA members are not meniacal deviants, lurking in the shadows like they've been led to believe. I understand that 3000 people packed into a room designed for 2000.
I forget the thread, Destructo, but I called that over a week ago.... THanks for confirming it.

NRA and MSSF have a habit of being completely unprepared for even relatively small crowds. Looks great in the press reports.. Packed rooms, overflowing with supporters, etc.,etc....

The same thing happened at SHOT Show.. over 30,000 in attendance, all of them technically invited to a speech by charlton heston, in a room big enough for about 1000-1500 people.. yeah right....
It's the part they DON'T show on CSPAN that I'm worried about. Bylaws changes, and the like. After all, none of the ugly stuff I saw last year at the convention made it onto CSPAN, either. Guess we'll have to wait a few days to learn what went down, though.
I was there. Went with my Dad, who dosn't even own a gun, but has been an NRA member for years.

We got there about nine, an hour early. No protesters, gentlemenly cops checking our NRA cards to let us in. There was already a HUGE line in the downstairs lobby waiting to get into the ballroom, which was set up with several thousand (in my estimation) chairs. We got into the ballroom and found our seats center, near the back. The start of the meeting was delayed quite a while as the staff set up audio and video in the lobby, as the ballroom was filled to capacity. The wait wasn't bad - we chatted with our neighbors (great group of people!).

The crowd was enthusiastic and polite. Heston was, as always, an incredible speaker. Tore Denver mayor Webb, and all who said that the NRA shouldn't come to Denver, up one side and down the other, stating that we were already there. I'm betting the speech in on the NRA site, but haven't yet checked. LaPierre was good, too. He restated the NRA's position of zero tolerance to those who break gun laws, and provided shocking statistics of how few gun criminals are prosecuted by the Clinton administration. State Secretary Natalie... ummmm... Well, she was good, too. She received a standing ovation which brought her to tears.

The meeting was actually much shorter than I expected. There were no big by-law changes discussed, and, except for one gentleman who spewed on and on about how he was not allowed to present his motions to the membership (taking several minutes, which he could have used to read his motions - before he was declared out of order (he WAS out of order)) the members and officers provided a united front.

The meeting was adjorned about noon, by which time the protesters (from what I saw on the telly, probably about 500 - 1000 of them) had mostly gone home.

What gets me is the local Rocky Mountain News coverage of the event. They've always been sickeningly liberal, and often spin their storys to influence public opinion, instead of reporting facts. I'll spare you their drivel, but here's the letter I sent to the editor:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

I'm not sure if I should call your coverage of the National Rifle Association meeting in Denver on 1 May lax or misleading. It certainly cannot be described as fair, impartial, or factual.

Why did you not report that the NRA pushes for zero tolerance towards those who break gun laws, while the Clinton administration lets hundreds of thousands of gun crimes go unprosecuted annually? Why did you not report that the NRA is the single largest source of firearms safety training in the world? Why did you not report that the NRA has, and always has been, violently opposed to guns in the hands of untrained,
unsupervised minors?

Your implication that the NRA is being defensive is absurd. Defensive about what? They are no more responsible for the recent tragedy in Littleton than you or I. Your characterization of the annual meeting of members as "subdued" is ludicrous.

Did any Rocky Mountain News reporters actually attend the meeting? Perhaps a better question is: Did any impartial Rocky Mountain News reporters actually attend the meeting? If you were not in attendance, then shame on you for fabricating your story. If you were in attendance, then shame on you for twisting the facts to meet your editorial bent.

Jeffrey Morgan
1652 Verbena
Denver, CO 80220


Overall, I really enjoyed it. It was great to see so many well-behaved supporters of freedom gather in the face of a bunch of screaming, uneducated (I assume - either that or they're just stupid) ninnies. I enjoyed showing the world we're not all a bunch of cowards.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited May 03, 1999).]
The entire meeting is available (on streaming video) for viewing at <a href="">NRA Live.</a> VERY slow site right now - must be a bunch of people trying to see it.

I'm sure it'll be archived for some time.
i read the shlocky mtn news and have not seen you letter to the editor, also i faxed my kids letter in about her view on this whole mess and they did not print it either! and by the way her letter was definately against firearm laws. ah a teenager who can think for herself and an honor student to boot. now that's america
JimC - I just mailed my letter this morning. We'll see if it ever gets printed. I really doubt it. I never buy the News anymore, but did this time because of the headline. Now I'll have to borrow someone's the next few days to see if by some miracle they print my letter.