NRA controls congress???

Alan B

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Read this

here is the link,4678,0-100066,00.html

'Gun lobby practically controls congress'

Top Democrats rail at inaction on law after new office shootings

Gun violence in the US: special report

Martin Kettle in Washington
Friday November 5, 1999

Republicans in the US congress have bowed to the power of the National Rifle Association and will block the passage of any tightening of gun control in this year's remaining legislative session, Vice-President Al Gore alleged yesterday.
Mr Gore, along with President Bill Clinton and leading Democrats, attacked the decision to leave the gun laws unchanged in a year that has seen a spate of mass shootings in schools and workplaces - the latest occurring this week.

In Seattle on Wednesday, a gunman in camouflage gear killed two workers at a boat repair yard. The day before in Honolulu, Hawaii, seven died in an office shooting spree by a colleague who owned two shotguns, nine rifles and 11 pistols.

The National Rifle Association's president, Charlton Heston, told a congressional committee on Capitol Hill yesterday that no new laws were needed to control violent crime. He called for existing legislation to be enforced more effectively and more prosecutions to be brought.

Outside the building, the vice-president, Al Gore, led senior Democrats in a series of denunciations of Republican leaders in the house of representatives, who have refused to allow debate on a juvenile crime bill that would ban the free sale of firearms at gun shows and require safety locks on all guns stored at home.

"The Republican leadership in congress has practically handed the speaker's gavel over to the gun lobby," Mr Gore said. "When it comes to guns, the Republicans are letting the NRA control the agenda, lock, stock and barrel. It is wrong. It is outrageous."

President Clinton appealed to congress to send him "commonsense legislation" on gun control. "Our nation continues on this day to be reminded of the horrors of gun violence. We need to do more to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children," he said.

The attorney general, Janet Reno said: "All America has now seen what guns do and how easy access to guns produces such tragedies." She urged congress to "get the job done".

The accused in the Honolulu shootings, 40-year-old Byran Uyesugi, gave himself up after a five-hour armed stand-off with police on Tuesday. He faces life imprisonment if convicted on charges of first-degree murder, the city prosecutor, Peter Carlisle, said yesterday. Hawaii does not have the death penalty.

The Seattle killings also took place at a workplace and appeared to involve a gunman who knew his targets. The killer walked into the shipyard and headed straight for a small back office before opening fire and killing two men. The victims were a 43-year-old marine engineer and the 27-year-old general manager of the company. Two other men were wounded; one was reported to be in a serious condition yesterday.

"He walked in and started shooting. That's all we know," said Pam McCammon, a police spokeswoman.

A police search that included use of helicopters and boats in the lakeside area just north of central Seattle has so far failed to find the suspect, who escaped on foot. He is described as a man in his 30s with brown hair.

Dont we wish No assault weapons ban, No Bradey Law, No Large Capacity Mag ban,, Just think!!!

where are these people la-la land
Wow, I gotta drop a thank you note to the NRA just as soon as I get done cleaning my Ma Deuce, my 14" barreled 12 ga, and my M-16.

Anybody know where I can get cheap ammo for my grenade launcher?

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
But Janet, Algore,

Don't you see your gun control is working. Not a one of those vitims was armed. we hjave to make the street safe for Crazies, criminals, and Communists/Nazis like you.

So far your anti gun stratigies are doing very well only a couple of the mass murderers were stopped by armed Citizens.
Just a few more laws and you can turn Lon Horiuchi, and the Waco crowd loose again, to Protect the children by killing their mothers and gassing and burning them to death.

Then we can have "safe" streets, Right? :(
One of the things that angers me the most with these fools saying the NRA controls Congress is that they are right. The last time I looked, the Constitution still started with We the People..." Since the NRA is made up of individual citizens who have banned together to have our voices heard better and it is the collection of individual citizens who comprise the "We are the people", we are the people that old scrap of parchment refers to. So they really mean that "We the People" control Congress and their true colors show when it rankles them.

(I hope this makes sense.)
So does:
Sierra Club and other environmental groups
and a host of other liberal special interest groups.

Liberals whine and moan unfair and excess control when opposing groups exert some influence; but not when they do. Weenies and wimps

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Don't forget the NEA. At most Democratic political conventions, over 3/4 of all of the delegates there are teacher's union members. Sounds like a good reason to home school to me.

nralife, You betcha. I offer two quotes on your position: 1. "State and local systems are not prepared to tap the growth in the service economy or in business activity increasingly oriented toward electronic commerce." -NEA president Bob Chase, telling politicians where they could find more tax money for public education. 2. "When school children start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of school children." - Albert Shanker, longtime American Federation of Teachers president.
GFreeman -- do you have a source for that Shanker quote? It is a beauty, and I'd like to add that one to my arsenal.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.