NRA Certification


New member
Local club has mostly clay shoots. Thought about NRA pistol cert, and then offer classes free of charge to public (focus on safety, basics-no ccw allowed in this state)-garner interest in club, and nothing like it offered anywhere in area. Good postive PR. Maybe, hopefully, work into some leagues with competition, maybe. Looked at NRA site, and they provide some info. Any comments or suggestions.
I've had my certification for 5 years and I keep it current. I'm certified in Pistol, Personal Protection and Home Firearm Safety (with the Eddie the Eagle teaching materials as well).

I guess demand could be different in different areas (I'm in Middle Tennessee) but I've only taught the NRA course to three classes in all that time. Each time the class was mostly (or all) women and they did it as a pre-cursor to taking the Tennessee Carry Permit Training. I was also certified to do that training and kept full classes for three years (about 400 students total).

In the past five years I've offered free safety training (even advertised in the paper) to children, both privately and through the schools. So far I've had one request and taught the 7-9 year old class at the local Karate School.

The certification is worth having and the course required to get it is a good one. Just don't expect to do a lot of teaching. In my experience, people like to talk about getting trained but few actually do it (unless it's a State requirement for a permit).
