NRA blame starts (Atlanta)


New member
I just don't get why the NRA gets blamed for all the gun problems. I don't know of any other group who is being demonized like the NRA is today, for actions of people that are in no way connected to the NRA!. The NRA simply holds a political opinion and actually does a lot of work to cut back gun violence, but somehow they are blamed for some individual whacko shooting people. I just don't see the corelation. You would think that the NRA mailed him the gun, trained him to shoot, gave him the ammo, patted him on the back and sent him into the building to kill people. (Of course no one talks about all the good people that have their rights protected by the NRA and are able to stop a crimes with their guns).

ABC news reports that "Atlanta was going to sue the gun industry for the costs of gun crime, but the NRA mustered it's forces and pushed a bill through that stopped the possibility of the Atlantans are upset at the NRA..." They also shocked me when one female newscaster turns to the other and says "....and a gun control measure just failed, what more proof do they need (that we should enact more gun control)...?"

Already they are blaming the NRA for this as if somehow the fact that gun manufacturers can't be sued is to blame for this trajedy. Tom Selleck hit the nail on the head when he said that the NRA is being demonized for it's political opinon as if it were the evil of the nation.
I was also appaled at the editorial comments by the newscasters. They weren't even beating around the bush, they literally said "the gun control measure just failed...what more proof do they need, this is getting out of hand and we need to do something...blah blah blah". Excuse me, but when did newscasters start giving out their political opinions?
I guess it is better that they just say what they feel instead of putting a slant on everything and subtly programming people.

One last obvious comment I must say abuot the NRA: people complain about "how powerful the NRA is", but there is only one reason that the NRA is so powerful: because lots and lots of people support the NRA and give them money! The NRA is the voice of millions of people. The NRA is not an evil corporation or somthing that exists just to push it's views, they are speaking for millions of Americans that are willing to give their time and money to have their views heard. They SHOULD be powerful, they represent a heck of a lot of voters!

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited July 30, 1999).]
Thaddeus, the news agency is wrong when they say "Atlanta was going to sue the gun industry for the costs of gun crime, but the NRA mustered it's forces and pushed a bill through that stopped the possibility of the Atlantans are upset at the NRA..."

The bill blocked any additional suits by other cities/municipalities, but the city of Atlanta filed their suit before the law was passed. Atlanta's lawsuit is alive and kicking. Call Bill Campbell's office, they'll be proud to tell you all about it.

Nobody I work with is mad at the NRA - most of us are members...The Atlantans that are upset are most likely the ones that thought they stood to benefit from any money the suit generates (lawyers, Campbell cronies, people who expect it be some big giveaway program, etc.).
Hey everyone from Atlanta! Doesn't it make you mad that the press generalizes and say's you are all mad at the NRA.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
Question: Why hasn't anyone walked into a police station and started blasting away?

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi
I keep saying it and I'll say it again...... The media, the media, the, media!! They are the enemy, they are the ones trying to alter the hearts and minds of the American people to become anti-gun and liberal. The liberal media IS THE PROBLEM!! In their movies, newscasts, violent television shows and movies, newsroom sensationalizm that breeds copycat killing, etc, etc.
More media slant...

"South Florida gun smuggling puts Irish peace plan in jeopardy"

A few illegally purchased and shipped revolvers have killed the dreams of those peace-loving Irish! All of us Americans should be ashamed for having constitutional rights!

I urge Georgians, and indeed all Americans, to contact their representatives and demand a total ban on all hammers and bathtubs, before they kill again! Without these deadly implements, Mark Barton would never have been able to kill his wife and children so stealthly, which allowed him to continue his killing.

Oh, wait. I meant "second" wife. Does the term "stop me before I kill again" come to mind?
Destructo6, good point. See, the anti's just have that flawed logic and can't figure out simple cause/effect relationships like that. It's too bad really, that so many Americans are somewhat dull in the noggin. Oh well, we'll keep on fighting the weakening of a nation. -Kframe
Destructo6, they have. Last month a man in Denver, after shooting his three children to death, drove to a police station and opened fire. He was quickly dispatched.

But I see and agree with your point.

[This message has been edited by pbash (edited July 31, 1999).]
Could it be that some of "them" are trying to calm themselves so as not to affect the coming election adversely?

Let's see how "moderate" the radicals become in the next few months.
what a cheap shot a frank that gotta admit the media is biased towards antigun, right? and freedom in general......hmmmm lets see now if the tables were turned I guess one could insinuate that the media reports on all those wacko 3rd party types negatively as well right?, or do they just report the know like the "fantasy theory of the third party and there magic wand theory of government"

[This message has been edited by fubsy (edited July 31, 1999).]
Fubsy and Frank,
Yeah, sometimes I don't measure up to acceptable standards (even my own).

Guess we need to remember that we agree on goals, we agree the media is biased, we agree on our Rights, we agree our government frequently has betrayed us, and (probably) a thousand other points.

Our only apparent disagreement is whether we should vote against the Democrats or for our freedom - two different routes toward the same goals. Frank and I merely disagree on which route can work.

We probably would enjoy at day at the range together - unless Frank is a good shot and would show me up as a bad one ( ;) ).

If we agree on 90% of our views, there's no reason to become enemies over the other 10%.

By the way, since this IS an NRA-related thread, I'm working on a new NRA thread that will be similar to the political argument. Guess we can look forward to a little more "discussion". Hope so, anyway. Sometimes folks change my opinions and actions - persuasion works.
Thanks for one of the simplest most compelling comebacks I've heard here. This should be used whenever possible with the anti crowd. Imagine the sputtering responses on network TV.
While pbash brings up a valid exception, it makes for great "bait". The response is already provided by him.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 01, 1999).]
You know that probably is the only real area of disagreement,,,"how best to effect the restoration of our rights and the destruction of those opposed to our rights".
We all want to win so bad, not necessarily because who evers side is better than who ever...but because we all realize that another loss is more loss of freedom and less chance of restoration.......keep up the good fight, just remember I consider using their tactics against them correct and just, and any other dirty tricks I could dream up.....for me its a war, Im handicapped by being only one, limited resources, and for now am forced to work within the ""system"", and pray it never becomes necessary to go out side of the system(im not talking two party)--that would be nothing but an extreme tragedy imo...fubsy.
The media "SPINS" against the Republicans because of their platform and stands. In other words "you had better tow the media line or they will destroy you". At least they will TRY to destroy you. The media is our enemy as their attempts to redifine America to their vision is leading to the gradual destruction of our freedoms, way of life and traditional morality. The media will take us the way of Sodom & Gammorra, they will take us the way of Rome. All that is needed is for good men to do nothing............ or throw their votes away by going third party.
I won't argue your views of the media - we agree to a large extent although you seem to be a touch more vehement about it. ;)

However, I must note that the media don't vote in Congress. It is still our "representatives" who have voted repeatedly for increasing gun control in America.