NRA (and I don't mean National Restaurant Association)


New member
Occasionally, NRA members become disappointed with the organization for various reasons. For me, I am happy to have someone at the mostly national level to take on the serious issues. Something is better than nothing.

Many states have organized gun associations.

Here in Arizona, we have the Arizona Citizens Defense League. It is a wonderful organization that is very organized and has been around for about 15 years or so.

Guns and Ammo Magazine has named Arizona (for a number of years) the "gun friendliest state" of the fifty. This is based on a lot of criteria including things like, the lack of "Red Flag Laws" and no universal background checks. In spite of the fact the Republican governor said he will sign a Red Flag bill, we don't have one because of the Association. The Association has been mostly responsible for the gun friendly status.
Where is the NRA on the pistol brace issue? It may now have been placed on the "back burner" but you can bet it will rear it's ugly head again soon. Where is the NRA on the upcoming Georgia runoff election? If the two Progressive / Socialists win in Georgia, we may be in a world of hurt. I ask because I'm not seeing much of anything from the NRA for a year, except some mindless hyperbole and fund raising. I honestly haven't seen much use for the NRA for a year now. Heck, they can't even up date the NRA Competitions on line portal. The last match they have entered for me was 13 months ago. I'm a member, for over 20 years now, as well as the Illinois State Rifle Association and GOA. We are loosing big time, we just don't know it yet.
Unfortunately the NRA leadership has become corrupt. If Wayne Lapierre was an honest man, he'd have already stepped down for the good of the nation. I will no longer support the NRA until he and his cronies are gone. They are abusing an institution that we desperately need for their own selfish gain.

Gun Owners of America is still a national pro 2nd organization worth supporting.

For those of us in North Carolina, Grass Roots NC is an excellent pro 2nd organization.
I too am concerned about LaPierre and his effect on the organization but I simply don't have enough reliable information to condemn him. Many gripe about his salary but isn't it set by the BOD? I don't think he gets to set his salary himself, or his expense account. If he has abused his position, where is the BOD and what are they doing? I can't rely on the American Rifleman magazine staff to pull back the curtain.

If the BOD too large a body to be responsive to the membership? Should it be reduced in size? A change to one representative per state?

I think that all those who now refuse to support the NRA are a greater threat to our fight that anything LaPierre may have done.
I too am concerned about LaPierre and his effect on the organization but I simply don't have enough reliable information to condemn him. Many gripe about his salary but isn't it set by the BOD? I don't think he gets to set his salary himself, or his expense account. If he has abused his position, where is the BOD and what are they doing? I can't rely on the American Rifleman magazine staff to pull back the curtain.

If the BOD too large a body to be responsive to the membership? Should it be reduced in size? A change to one representative per state?

I think that all those who now refuse to support the NRA are a greater threat to our fight that anything LaPierre may have done.
you've missed all the lengthy discussions about the NRA leadership.
My membership in the NRA is still current, I think. I don't know how one checks on the expiration date. I also joined the GOA a couple of years ago. I've been sending them money on a monthly basis. They aren't as big as the NRA, but they are tenacious. I joined the Virginia Civil Defense League last year, even tho I live in Texas. They got a really bad deal from their governor and state legislators.
Bozz10mm said:
My membership in the NRA is still current, I think. I don't know how one checks on the expiration date.
IIRC, the membership expiration date is shown in the address block on the cover of each issue of whichever NRA publication you receive.
IIRC, the membership expiration date is shown in the address block on the cover of each issue of whichever NRA publication you receive.

You are correct. Second line of the address printing, right in the middle. Mine says 2/2022.
I think the NRA is still the big dog in the fight for gun rights.

I'd like Wayne LaPierre would step down but I DON'T want the gun control folk to think they ran him out of his office.

Here's a link to a list of political contributors and contrary to what the gun control folk say the NRA is not even in the top 50.
Oh...please note, number 14 is the NAR (National Association of Realtors).

And one of my favorite comments about the NRA:
"The NRA, an organization constantly blamed for things its members do not do."