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HARRISBURG, 6 December 1999, Senate sources confirmed that NRA agreed to the
trigger lock and many other anti-gun features of SB-167 if they get passage
of a bill to save gun manufacturers the cost of defending against frivolous
lawsuits from cities.

The Pennsylvania Senate will suspend rules and may combine and pass these
bills tonight (6 Dec)!

NRA and Republican leadership believe that combining anti-gun and pro-gun
provisions in the same bill will provide protection for lawmakers. The same
tactic was used with Special Act 17 of 1995 which was endorsed by the NRA
and by HCI's Sarah Brady.

Legislators who vote for SB-167 will discover that many grass roots
sportsmen's groups will count SB-167 as a serious anti-gun rights vote -
just as they did with Act 17.

The following groups will regard a vote for SB-167 as anti-gun even if it is
sweetened to benefit gun manufacturers:

The Gun Owners of America (GOA,
Pennsylvania Sportsmen's Association (PSA),
Allegheny County Sportsmen's League (ACSL),
Firearms Owners Against Crime (FOAC),
Keystone Firearms Coalition (KFC),
Lehigh Valley Firearms Coalition (LVFC),
Pennsylvania Gun Owners Association (PGOA)



The NRA officially opposes trigger locks because the NRA Board of Directors
knows that trigger locks make loaded handguns much more dangerous - trigger
locks bypass the safety of the trigger guard and increase the likelihood of
an unintentional discharge. NRA-ILA produced an excellent video tape
proving that trigger locks are dangerous. Trigger locks also render a gun
useless for self defense.

On 27 September in the Pennsylvania House Republican Caucus it was announced
that the NRA had agreed that trigger locks be mandatory with every firearm
sold. The PSA asked NRA for the details of this House deal and NRA
vehemently claimed that no such agreement had been made. The following
week, legislators advised the PSA and the Allegheny County Sportsmen's
League that Republican leadership was unhappy with NRA's attempt to
renegotiate the language of the trigger lock deal.

In November SB-167 was amended in the House to include the anti-gun trigger
lock provision. NRA has four registered lobbyists in Pennsylvania, none
were present.

Meanwhile, that same week, the Senate passed a bill that may keep cities
from suing gun manufacturers.

The Keystone Firearms Coalition said it best: wrote:
> Vol. 6, No. 45 11/19/99


> This week, the Senate passed an amendment to SB 1109 that would prevent
> municipalities from filing reckless lawsuits against firearms
> manufacturers. SB 1109 now awaits final consideration, which should occur
> prior to the Senate's holiday recess. Please call your State Senator at
> (717) 787-5920 and urge him to support passage of SB 1109 with the
> reckless lawsuit prevention amendment.

Good news!

But ain't it a little funny -- while reporting this Famous Victory, the
NRA didn't tell us about the TRIGGER LOCK BILL that passed the House at
almost the same time? And tell us to call our state senators and ask them
to vote against THAT, while they're doing good works?

When the recent flurry of anti-gun legislation was introduced in
some of us opined that the gun grabbers were using the "shotgun" approach --
throw enough stuff at us, and SOMETHING was sure to get past our lines.

Methinks that "something" was Trigger Locks. And since Windows 98 allows
me multi-tasking I can click over here to -- wait a minute -- my Crystal
Ball software, where I see -- aha! Someone telling us that they fought
a noble battle that kept all that other bad legislation from passing, but
they had to work this little deal, see, to allow the anti-gunners to get
SOMETHING -- but, ain't we smart, we held them to JUST this little Trigger
Lock Bill, which really ain't so bad. . .

Well, I'm glad the anti-lawsuit bill succeeded, so far -- even though it
appeared such suits were headed for failure in the courts. But given
that many of us said the anti-gunners were shotgunning us so as to get
SOMETHING passed -- and it appears they indeed did that -- I'm wondering
who the smart guys are around these parts.

Seems to me we GAINED no territory in this battle, but the antis DID.
Maybe we can make it up in volume?

- --Andy


Pro-gun senators are being misled with a story that this compromise is
necessary to pass the anti-lawsuit bill in he House. The truth is that
months before the Senate don't sue gun manufacturers bill was drafted, Rep.
Teresa Forcier wrote a better bill and got more than 160 co-sponsors - and
she got them without any help from the NRA or Republican leadership.

Harry Schneider, PSA Chairman
Pennsylvania Sportsmen's Assn.,
Rights, not privileges


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
I have an NRA letter before me asking me to upgrade my Life Membership to Endowment for only $150.

I was YEA far from writing a check and sending it in. Now I'll send them a blast instead and send the money to SAF, who seems to be REALLY doing something!

To me, this is a sellout of the First Magnitude, and at this point I am abandoning any more financial support for them.

It seems like they are more concerned with saving the gun manufacturers than taking care of their membership. I've had it with them, and will now shift my focus to other pro-gun organizations.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
How bad is a mandatory trigger lock with the sale?

We are not required to keep them installed



"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
How bad is a mandatory trigger lock with the sale? We are not required to keep them installed

But since they're required by law and come with guns, the ignorant will likely think it's supposed to be a good thing when it is in fact dangerous. I'd be happier if trigger locks were banned for inherent violation of Rule #3 (nothing goes inside the trigger guard until you are on target and ready to fire). See
dz, how big a deal is NICS? How big a deal is a full-cap magazine ban?

The "well, it's only (fill in the blank), yawn" attitude is how we got to this point. We can't afford any more reversals, and the NRFA is *encouraging* those reversals.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article II, Section 13, CO state constitution.
How soon would it be before the police would visit you and inspect your guns to "make sure" you had a trigger lock. That's what they're really after, the right to enter your home ("with your permission" [at first])
and "inspect".

I buy into the "shotgun approach" by the antis -- like Kamikazes, some will get through. Why is Hell isn't our side doing the same?

Come to think of it, after the defeatist (in my view) thread on "Which gun will they confiscate next?", I'm starting a "Which anti-gun laws should we repeal?" topic.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Whats wrong with these durn NRA honcho's....what happens the next time the anti-s want something...all they have to do is threaten to sue the manufactuers again and they will cave again...fubsy.