Now you know why Prop B didn't pass!


Retired Screen Name
I originally posted this over at Knifeforums but I think it'll fit better here. I'm a knife guy at heart, dad collects guns but you can't carry 'em in Illinois.

I just got rehired as an RA at my college and had to go to the "Chemistry of Leadership" conference. I have very little patience for the liberal agenda put forth at these things (watch the men in your halls for signs of sexual predation, at least 80% are rapists by our definition. Watch the women too--they're helpless victims.) but I have to go or get fired. Anyway, we were supposed to tell "dynamic" things about ourselves that made us interesting at our tables (define what a "dynamic" thing about a person is--wouldn't that just be a thing that is moving or changing?)
The point is, I somehow mentioned a CCW law and the girl across from me exclaimed "Oh yeah, they tried to do that in my state and I was so scared!"

I asked why this would be so, and this is the answer she gave me:
"Because then MY PARENTS would get to carry guns all the time, and they're too crazy. My mom's so jumpy she'd hear a dog behind her and think it was a robber, and she'd be shooting all over the place!"

The good thing is that I thought to ask her if the NRA safety course was mandatory in Proposition B, and she didn't know. She's not so liberal that she doesn't feel embarassment at judging something without the facts. I don't know the answer to that either, but hey, it ain't my state! So I asked her to think about whether it was fair to cut the heart out of the 2nd Amendment without all the facts and based on her judgement of her mom as "flighty." She seemed pretty receptive. Her mind obviously won't be changed in ten minutes, but she's made a start. Plus, she shows signs of open-mindedness described in another post.

That other post described the way she got scared when I said I make and collect knives, but then expressed interest (jokingly) in learning to make knives herself. When we had a break and I had to go home, I grabbed my copy of "How to Make Knives" by Loveless and Barney and told her she could read it if she wanted. She was shocked, but decided that was pretty generous. Now she lurks on Bladeforums and Knifeforums and she's rethinking her stance on CCW, plus she wants to play with my Benchmade. Not as far along as my fiancee, but not bad.

Does your fiancee know that this young lady wants to play with your Benchmade? :) Maybe you had best let your fiancee handle these conversions.

Sorry, couldn't resist. hehe.
Yeah, and that's not the worst part. In retrospect, the phrase "I've got a little friend in my pocket who loves to be played with, and you can be rough 'cause he's built to take it." was NOT the best way to broach the subject . . . . but how much can one measly harassment suit cost, really, in the long run? :)

My fiancee is mollified for now. I told her the other girl is after an RA from another building. She's not, but she really isn't after me, so it's a white lie. Tee hee. She knows she can trust me.

Besides, RKBA requires sacrifices from us all. Some of us were meant to spar with lawmakers and hostile sherriffs, some of us (ME) were meant to teach pretty girls how much fun guns and knives are.

She still hasn't returned my book yet, though. And it was a birthday present.