Now What???

fat old gun nut

New member
OK i'm responding to the media. It brought up this scary question.-- Obama is the democratic candidate for President of these United States and according to media reports a shoo-in.

What happens to people like us during the next 4-8 years if this sad result really occurs. Do we buy & bury, build a fortress for our families, maybe a 50's bomb shelter. This country(to me) would be a very dangerous place to live. You cannot discuss terrorists to stop their acts, you cannot protect your family if another assault is made on our guns.

One last short question--How in hell can the leader of the free world be led by someone named BARRAC HUSSIN OBAMA?????:barf:
Are you forgetting that we are the leaders of the FREE world and that we are the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY? So what if he has an Islamic name? Would you prefer if his name were Biff Smith or Chet Windsor?
I would rather have a patriot or atleast a countryman as our president. If you cannot bring yourself to salute the flag or place your hand over your heart during the anthem you are no president of mine. I would like someone with some experience in politics, not some junior senator that used loopholes that are generally ignored in a gentlemens agreement to become senator. I would like someone who does not think it is the responsibility of those who spent the time to go to college and make something of themselves to support those who exploit the welfare and public assistance programs. I want someone who does not see increasing or decreasing taxes as a form of reform. I want someone who supports the constitution as it was written except for the amendments that abolished slavery and womens suffrage. The Constitution other than this should never have been touched. This country was founded under a flag sworn to under God and by the guns and blood of patriots. I want a man whose God does not teach the damnation of the whiteman. I wanta president who does not have posters of south american genocidal nut jobs in his campaign headquarters. I want a man who respects his grandmother enough not to call her a typical white woman on national television. I want a man who can come to terms with his own identity and not deny the fact that half of him is a white man. I want someone whose father was not some muslim extemist from Africa or any other part of the world. I want a president who I can trust to make atleast halfway educated decisions for this country. I wish Collin Powell would run, I'd vote for him in a second. I wish Lou Dobbs would run, because frankly I think he is the man for the job. Obama is not the answer he is the problem. If you want change think outside the box vote Lou Dobbs President 08.
No matter how much you don't like him, no matter how liberal you think he is, vote McCain. It's out only chance to keep Obama out.
As far as I can determine the name is Barack Hussein Obama, not BARRAC HUSSIN OBAMA.

What happens to people like us during the next 4-8 years if this sad result really occurs.

People like us? What does that mean?

What happens if this occurs? Are you looking for some guaranteed outcome of the election? It is an election, which means it is a contest, not an appointment. Or are you looking for answers concerning the end of the world as you know it? There's no study guide for life. There's no cheat sheet for tomorrow. Deal with it as it comes.

You cannot discuss terrorists to stop their acts, you cannot protect your family if another assault is made on our guns.

What do you mean "you cannot discuss terrorists"? We're discussing them right now. An assault on our guns? Do you mean an assault on our right to own guns?

How in hell can the leader of the free world be led by someone named BARRAC HUSSIN OBAMA

What's in a name? What is Jesus Christ? German?

I think this is an emotional outburst marked by an inability to express one's self. We may speak as we write, but we may not write as we speak. The reader/listener cannot fill in the blanks which you have omitted in your post.

That said, it seems you are beside yourself with fear for the outcome of the election results.

You should have posted this in the Legal & Political forum. This is the General Discussion forum. Posts here should be related to firearms directly, if possible.

I am moving this to L&P.
A fortress is a great idea!

Oh man...

I think you should build a fortress way up in North Dakota. Pure genius! That is the only way you can be safe if we start discussing the terrorists. Make sure you have room for a LOT of guests up there. Hell, I'll even donate a few bucks to get this project off the ground. Watch out for Canadians though. I hear they are more socialist than Barac himself!
People laugh, yet the ground work is already in place. They are reintroducing the assault weapons ban which now includes 10/22s remington 700s and other evil rifles. Then the supreme court decides the heller case. Not to mention Obama pushing the UN millenium Plan in the wings which would seal our fate. Some mock those of us with concern, but atleast we aknowledge the possibilities.
I risk being flamed just by posting in this thread, but I'll venture to say a few words.

How will we survive if (________________) is elected president?

Same way as we always have. Yeah, me way have to fight to defend our rights, but we should be doing this anyway. I believe that with regard to 2A rights, if we are not gaining ground, we are losing ground. Why? Because the Antis aren't slowing down, and neither should we.

You should be registered to vote. Your elected representatives should know your views (this means you must WRITE to them). We cry and bitch and moan, but how many of us have ever written a letter to our congressman? Not just right before an important bill comes up, but regularly. When you keep your congressman informed of what's important to his constituents, he will listen.

Here is some advice for when (not if) you write your letter.

Letters to Congress

So, you're going to write your Congressman? Good idea. Make it a good letter.

People who think members of Congress pay little or no attention to constituent mail, are plain wrong. Concise, well thought out personal letters are one of the most effective ways Americans have of influencing law-makers. But, members of Congress get hundreds of letters and emails every day. Whether you choose to use the Postal Service or email, here are some tips that will help your letter have impact.

Think Locally
It's usually best to send letters to the Representative from your local Congressional District or the Senators from your state. Your vote helps elect them -- or not -- and that fact alone carries a lot of weight. It also helps personalize your letter. Sending the same "cookie-cutter" message to every member of Congress may grab attention but rarely much consideration.

Keep It Simple
Your letter should address a single topic or issue. Typed, one-page letters are best. Many PACs (Political Action Committees) recommend a three-paragraph letter structured like this:

1. Say why you are writing and who you are. List your "credentials." (If you want a response, you must include your name and address, even when using email.)
2. Provide more detail. Be factual not emotional. Provide specific rather than general information about how the topic affects you and others. If a certain bill is involved, cite the correct title or number whenever possible.
3. Close by requesting the action you want taken: a vote for or against a bill, or change in general policy.

The best letters are courteous, to the point, and include specific supporting examples.

Addressing Members of Congress

To Your Senator:

The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:

To Your Representative:

The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative:

When writing to the Chairperson of a Committee or the Speaker of the House, address them as:

Dear Mr. Chairman
Dear Madam Chairwoman

Dear Mr. Speaker
Dear Madam Speaker

The above addresses should be used in email messages, as well as those sent through the Postal Service.

To Conclude
Here are some key things you should always and never do in writing to your elected representatives.


1. Be courteous and respectful without "gushing."
2. Clearly and simply state the purpose of your letter. If it's about a certain bill, identify it correctly. If you need help in finding the number of a bill, use the Thomas Legislative Information System.
3. Say who you are. Anonymous letters go nowhere. Even in email, include your correct name, address, phone number and email address. If you don't include at least your name and address, you will not get a response.
4. State any professional credentials or personal experience you may have, especially those pertaining to the subject of your letter.
5. Keep your letter short -- one page is best.
6. Use specific examples or evidence to support your position.
7. State what it is you want done or recommend a course of action.
8. Thank the member for taking the time to read your letter.


1. Use vulgarity, profanity, or threats. The first two are just plain rude and the third one can get you a visit from the Secret Service. Simply stated, don't let your passion get in the way of making your point,
2. Fail to include your name and address, even in email letters.
3. Demand a response.

Here is the letter I sent to my Congressman on March 24, 2008.

Honorable Lamar Smith
Congressman, 21st District of Texas
1100 NE Loop 410, Suite 640
San Antonio, TX 78209

Dear Mr. Smith:

As a newer resident of and voter in your District, I am writing to make you aware of my position on the Second Amendment. Like many Texans, I enjoy recreational shooting and strongly believe in my right to keep and bear arms, both for recreation and personal defense. As you carry out your duties, I urge you to consider my views by:

- Preserving the right of all law-biding individuals to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

- Working to advance legislation and enact laws that recognize the right of honest citizens to carry firearms for self-protection, as well as opposing bills that attack gun owner rights.

- Opposing “gun control” schemes that are a direct infringement on American citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. “Gun control” schemes are a poor tool in which to fight crime and an already proven failure.

- Fighting for legislation that prevents the attempted bankrupting of America’s firearms industry through reckless lawsuits.

As your actively-voting constituent, I appreciate you taking the time to consider my views. I look forward to your response.


(my real name, address, and phone number)

If you've read this far, good for you. Here is a link to find your representatives.
People laugh, yet the ground work is already in place. They are reintroducing the assault weapons ban which now includes 10/22s remington 700s and other evil rifles. .

Yeah, this new "AssaulT weopons ban" also includes Lever actions ( all of them), single shot sharps rifles(almost all of them) , Bolt actions, ( all of them) and anything "scary looking"

No it doesnt....If you had actually read the ban, those weapons are listed in Appendix A. Weapons listed in that appendix are exempt from the weapons ban.

Not defending the ban, but try reading it first before posting "the sky is falling" comments.:)
He is the flavor of the minute due to the long democratic race and being in the news constantly.

In my view he has a snowballs chance of winning the thing, despite the media love. Watch.

this is for JSMITH his well thought out reply to my initial thread states very breafly what I was trying to say. Thank you and I do appreaciate your comments
Yeah i caught that exempt in all of that lawer mumbo jumbo, sorry i cant read ( Texas.......duh!)
The ban still has to get squashed though. They are up to their old tricks again.
Do any of you actually believe that Obama will do anything other than what he is told to do.

The same people who tell Bush what to do and told Clinton and Bush's father and Reagan and Carter and Ford and Nixon and LBJ and Kennedy (he had his own ideas and paid the price) and on and on what to do will tell Obama and he will listen.
fat old gun nut: this is for JSMITH his well thought out reply to my initial thread states very breafly what I was trying to say. Thank you and I do appreaciate your comments

JSmith: People laugh, yet the ground work is already in place. They are reintroducing the assault weapons ban which now includes 10/22s remington 700s and other evil rifles. Then the supreme court decides the heller case. Not to mention Obama pushing the UN millenium Plan in the wings which would seal our fate. Some mock those of us with concern, but atleast we aknowledge the possibilities.

Well, the fact of the matter is that they're not proposing to ban 10/22's etc.

I really doubt there's some clandestine group of officials, sitting in some back room, wringing their hands, discussing what the next step will be once they "disarm the sheeple". Maybe, just maybe, those that side with the Brady campaign and other gun control measures could truly be concerned with public safety, albeit misguided; I highly doubt that the actions and ideas they embody are just some farce for some bigger plan of “global domination” or “New World Order”. But we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

So what can you do? How about maintaining your own physical conditioning, for one? Take away every gun in the world – that will only serve to empower me. Why? Because I push myself to be physically stronger – powerlifting is my hobby. I push myself to have excellent cardiovascular conditioning. Why? Because when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI comes – it will be survival of the fittest. :D Seriously, it’s funny to me when I see people become more concerned with hypothetical situations than with a real threat to survival.