Now the wait begins!


New member
I filled out my Form 1, got my CLEO signature, which was a bear b/c he was out on medical leave and I had to wait two weeks for him to return, got fingerprinted and mailed it all in my check on 8/21. Let's see how long it takes.

This is my first Form 1, so I hope I got it right. Fingers crossed!
My experience so far has been typical. I mailed the Form 1 on July 31, NFA-branch cashed the check on August 9th, the Form 1 went pending on September 8. Average time from pending to approved is 77 days, so I have some waiting to do. NFA Tracker and other internet sites are pretty consistent in average times from forms-sent to stamp-in-hand being 3-4 months. It can vary a lot from examiner to examiner.

As to CLEO signature, his Chief Deputy or other "designated person" can sign off on the Form 1 too.

You can call the NFA branch to check your application status 304-616-4500. You need the serial number of the receiver you're registering. Generally, the people that answer the phones there are pretty friendly for government workers.
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I bought a Thompson and M-16 in December shortly after president Osama got elected. The Thompson took over a year, The M-16 took almost 2 years because there were problems with the paperwork regarding barrel length.

I bought an Uzi in late fall early summer of this year and it took about 3 months, things have gotten better after the election buying panic slowed down.

Good luck
you should be getting your stamp soon as I have never went over 60 days. Maybe I've been lucky with examiners that dont fiddle around:cool:
Huh...should be soon as the times have sped up. Have you called and seen if its gone pending...ask who your examiner is when you do. O and btw I had a f4 take 178days last year so I don't want to hear
Form 1 Arrived! December 3rd. So, it was just over 90 days and there were a bunch of holidays during that time.

The process was surprisingly easy and painfree. I should have gotten an NFA weapon years ago.
wait continues

form 4 sent in on June 15.
Check cashed on June 21
Sept 20- nada.

Called today- Sept 20.
My dealer's handwriting isn't the best. They said His 0 looked like a 9 or vice versa, so they don't know which is the correct serial numbers.
Been sitting on it since July 1. Said form would be sent back to dealer when they get around to it.... Then have to be re-submitted.

Anyone know if I'll have to do the whole thing again or they'll just have him fix the serial # in that box?
Bottom line: looks like this is going to be at least a 6 month wait.
Super bummed.
My dealer's handwriting isn't the best. They said His 0 looked like a 9 or vice versa, so they don't know which is the correct serial numbers.
Been sitting on it since July 1. Said form would be sent back to dealer when they get around to it.... Then have to be re-submitted.

How much did your dealer charge you to scribble like a 7 year old on your form 4? I would be mad as hell about that.

My dealer prints the form 4s out on his computer so every thing is clearly typed except where a signature is needed.
fortunately it's a sweet heart deal. It's his personal gun that I bought and he just wanted to get rid of it, so amazing deal and he didn't charge me anything for transfer fee.