Now the Post office is trying to stick it to us!

Te Anau

New member
Post Office Ban On Mailing Replica Or Inert Munitions

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Post Office is wading into the gun control debate.

That's right, the U.S. Postal Service is trying to keep people from shipping
replica or inert munitions through the mail.

They have no authority in the law, since Congress has kept for itself the
power to decide what can and cannot be shipped. But the Post Office is
trying to say that replica or inert munitions are hazardous!

Gun Owners of America's attorneys just found out about this outrageous
proposal which was issued by the Post Office. Although the deadline for
postmarking is Monday, April 7, our attorneys say that e-mails and letters
should be sent anyway.

If you are a re-enactor or collector of replica or inert munitions, you are
in the Post Office crosshairs. If you are not directly involved in this,
you should still be outraged that a bunch of bureaucrats are trying to
further restrict Second Amendment activity.

By the way, there is one interesting dimension to all of this: Canada wants
the US to help shut off shipment of these items into Canada. So it looks
like our bureaucrats are eager to appease other governments by changing our
laws to make them as bad as our neighbors'.

You can read the Postal Service proposed regulations here:

You can read GOA's comments to the Postal Service here:

ACTION: Please send your comments to the Post Office ASAP. The letter must
be postmarked by Monday, April 7, 2008. Here's the contact information.

TITLE: 73 Fed. Reg. 12321: New Standards Prohibit the Mailing of Replica or
Inert Munitions


Manager, Mailing Standards
United States Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Room 3436
Washington, DC 20260-3436
Incredible nonsense. Inert munitions are just metal paperweights. A sword or knife is something that is more likely dangerous. Do they not deliver those either? Sometimes seems like people with no sense whatsoever are running large organizations.
Don't really know how big a deal this is. Really do not see it as back door gun control.

Yellowfin: They are going after Ebay, as there is great encouragement there to send everything Media mail to save money. Don't fall for it, media mail is 'subject to inspection' and marked up if a customer is caught cheating.....happens every day.
GOA has to justify their existence somehow, what a better way than screeching at every shadow

WildwhatanonissueAlaska TM
Wildalaska is correct.

Shipping replica ammo is not a 2nd Amendment issue in anyway. Refusing to ship this may be a dumb move by the USPS, but it in no way possible affects my ability to keep and bear arms.

Why would GOA spend time and money trying to battle this?
This is how gun-control happens in America. They make it harder for us in little ways here and there until fewer and fewer people carry guns, etc. Then they go for the throat.
This is how gun-control happens in America. They make it harder for us in little ways here and there until fewer and fewer people carry guns, etc. Then they go for the throat.

You do realize that the items we are talking about are not guns, nor ammo?
What I was referring to was that the GOA should be going after eBay instead of the post office. Their misdeeds are more egregious.
Spare me.

From what...the truth?

Nothing is worse than the distraction form important issues caused by Tinfoil screeching at every slight...add to that a tainted aura of togetherness with haters and you have GOA....

WildnotafanoftheirsAlaska TM
In order to ensure safety of
postal employees and prevent damage to postal property or other
mailpieces, inert munitions have been handled as ``live ammunition''
when found in the mail. In the past, facilities have been evacuated
when inert replicas have been identified in the mailstream. In 2006,
the Postal Service recorded 849 suspicious incidents involving mail
that exhibited characteristics of possible explosives. Postal
facilities were evacuated on 100 separate occasions due to these
occurrences. Postal Inspectors or local emergency first responders
reacted to each of these occurrences to assess the items. Evacuations
cost the Postal Service time and money, create unnecessary stress for
employees, and can impact service commitments.

If the link in the OP is right that this is legit from the USPS, here is one of the main reasons why they are prohibiting them...they are costly.

Untrained, incompetent mail sorters would have no idea given a real or simulated ammunition, weapon, etc. In order to avoid any hype, they are just banning them.

I do not see any of this mentioned...
If you are not directly involved in this,
you should still be outraged that a bunch of bureaucrats are trying to
further restrict Second Amendment activity.
Yea, not a 2A issue

So it looks
like our bureaucrats are eager to appease other governments by changing our
laws to make them as bad as our neighbors'.
Yup, we are just pawns in Canada's game :rolleyes:
Why don't we just rewrite history and blame Gun Owners of America for anything that has gone wrong in the world since.....ohhhh how about 1742? I want to be INFORMED when issues arise that may affect me down the road.Who's to say that the Post office might decide to ban the shipping of long guns since this ban may go over without a hitch?
Nothing is worse than the distraction form important issues caused by Tinfoil screeching at every slight...add to that a tainted aura of togetherness with haters and you have GOA....
:barf: This gets worse every time GOA wisely attempts to warn it's members about the endless incrementalism that eats away at the foundation of gun ownership in America.Some folks just hate GOA ssoooooooo much that they can't see the forest for the trees.
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This gets worse every time GOA wisely attempts to warn it's members about the endless incremental ism that eats away at the foundation of gun ownership in America.

Somehow the post office's prohibition of shipping fake bombs doesnt quite register as "endless incrementalism":rolleyes:

Some folks just hate GOA ssoooooooo much that they can't see the forest for the trees.

Some folks think of the impression that GOA makes even among gun owners, forgetting about the public, and wish they would fold their tents.

WildtheyarerealpopularonstormfrontAlaska TM
"Untrained, incompetent mail sorters would have no idea given a real or simulated ammunition, weapon, etc. In order to avoid any hype, they are just banning them."

Not only is this comment insulting to thousands of Postal Employees, myself included, it was also policy in Iraq to treat ALL UXO as dangerous. In other words if anything even resembling an explosive is found EOD is called and troops are required to sit out in 130 degree temp for hours guarding the site. Are you calling our men in uniform fighting the enemy 'untrained and incompetent' as well, or just the postal workers?

Sorry you just touched a double nerve there.

I don't think he meant ALL postal employees are incompetent and undertrained, but some are, same as any occupation. There are always people that are doing something that they really don't have the skills/knowledge to be doing, the issue is that those that aren't informed are making it a hassle to ship perfectely safe/legal products. I don't believe the post office effectively banning paperweights and containing a potential threat in a warzone is remotely close to a logical comparison.