Now some better news from Brazil


New member
You may be aware that the Brazilian govt has been trying to enact a complete ban on gun ownership. Published polls indicated upwards of 70% public approval for this. However it appears the Brazilian gun owners have taken up the challenge. The following rec'd via "Cybershooters" an international pro-gun list server.


Dear Australian Friends:
This is to tell you that we created a new organization (on April 21) to
lobby against the Brazilian Government intent of prohibiting firearms in
our country. Its name is ANPCA - National Association of Firearms Owners
and Retailers. This assn. is supported by all Brazilian shooters, hunters
and collectors organizations. Although we are few and have little know-how
in lobbying affairs, we already managed to win several battles against the
government. We dropped the "urgent" classification of the proposed federal
law and, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, we got a court decision that the
state law is unconstitutional. But, more important than this, we are
winning the media war. The anti-gun lobby wasnt prepared to face
resistance. When we challenged their ideas in debates and interviews, the
public noticed that their argumentation was empty. Polls conducted by
several magazines now show that public support for this prohibition is
fading. The federal proposal will go to congress approval next august.
Right now we cannot predict the outcome, but for sure it will not be an
easy battle. Any pressure our friends in Australia can put on Brazilian
officials will be of great help. We are taking the Australian example of
increasing crime rates after the buy back to our authorities. Keep on the
good fight. Best regards, Leonardo Arruda Public Relations Director of
Isn't Brazil one of those "Fortresses of Democracy" down there in South America? I wonder how long it will be before the pro-gun rights people start showing up dead in alleys.

Joe Portale
Tucson, Arizona Territory