Now is the time to stick together


This new class action lawsuit by Comrade Klinton to break the backs of the gun industry is the begining of the end if we don't stop it.In my opinion now is the time for nra,goa and the jews for the preservation of firearms to join together behind the 2nd ammendment foundation to push their lawsuit.By join behind them I do not mean direct involvment because if they do nothing will get done because of the internel fighting but to provide money and lawers to pursue the lawsuit.If this isn't done I'm afraid the firearm industry and gun owners of America will not be in exsistence in another 5 years.
We as gun owners do way too much infighting amoung ourselfs.If it doesn't stop we will hang seperatly.
This is the final hour. We need to fight fire with fire. We need to make noise and pull out our select-fire Lawyers.
I agree.

We can't afford to hurt any pro-gun organization from now on. If ya don't agree with the NRA or whatever other one, just support another. You won't ever hear me badmouth NRA again.

I think we should urge the leadership of all of them to form some sort of coordinating oversight committee together; wherein they could seriously plan strategically and tactically oriented action and then focus their individual orgs. We need coordinated concerted action instead of the apparent harum scarum stuff.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC now the 64000 dollar Question.How do you go about doing it?I think the idea has great possibilities but how do implement it?
OK, other companies do it..
For example when I was in grad school, some of the funding for my research was from EPRI, which was a quasi independent outfit that was funded by all the electrical power companies with reps from all of them that oversaw EPRI, folks from Con Ed, PG&E, SoCalED, etc. EPRI would fund various research projects throughout US universities and all the members of EPRI chipped in the dinero. The member companies of EPRI were still independent and could still do whatever they wanted.

So, as members of the various organizations, we need to pressure them to form something like EPRI. The advantage is that they could address and fund issues as a unified voice, while still maintaining their separate identities and doing whatever they want to.

So, we write, call and bug the bejezzus out of them

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!