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Now I gettin weirded out


I use to be a mod on a few boards.

When Staff starts to get "private" or doesn't add to the threads going on, it only means trouble, for some members.

You know, from having the "duty" and "fun" of being a mod, it takes all the fun from it, being a member of the board. I, not knowing, chose to be a active member of the board and yes I was banned for it but I had fun, new management didn't have a thing for the very reason I was made a mod to begain with... oh well. :)

But I do know that when staff ceases to add to the community, something serious is going down. I only hope that I'm not the reason behind all this.

Most of the staff here are "old blood". What you said before, what you believed in, what you don't or won't contribute to now, is frustrating.

As you make more and more of the "old blood" and even some of the "new blood" members of staff, you take away from what this board was once. Everyone of them, Staff, have taken what has been told to them as leaders and have decided that there role is that of policing the board and not being active members of the community.

As I congradulate each Staff member that is made, I feel for them deep down in my soul. No longer can they be members but are now the police of the members that are here. No longer can they be members to do as they wish and write as they wish, but now are subject to the rules that are much more stricter than the general membership.

Basically, what I am saying is that each member taken from us and used as Staff become a non-member in essence(sp).

Sorry, but everytime I see a member become Staff, that member ceases to be a member and it really is sadning what happens.

Sometimes I'm a little slow, Wayne, and I have a hard time understanding what you're trying to say. Your post above comes through as clear as mud to me.

I'm a little insulted that you seem to be saying that once someone is a staff member they don't contribute anymore. WTH is that all about? :confused: You don't think the staff contributes to the discussions?

Please do me a favor and think this over. Maybe you'll decide to clarify, and maybe you'll decide to just say "nevermind." Either one will be fine with me...

I am new to TFL it is addictive.

The questions which come to my mind after reading USP's post...

Does the title of "Staff" after your handle inhibit your posts? Do you always speak your mind or do you hold back due to your position? Can Staff members have an alternate identity and use the Staff identity for Board business primarily?

I have seen posts by you Blues but some of the other staff I seem to only see Board business.
Wayne, I would like to point out something. First, look at my join date and then look at how many posts I've made.

Pretty low number of posts, compared to my join date, yes? Heck, it took almost a year from when I first joined to make my first 100 posts!

So, I don't post any more or any less, now, than I did a couple of months ago. I simply pick and choose what I post to. Usually, it's a clarification of a point made, and usually that point was made by some one else.

Earlier, I posted quite a bit about the political ramifications of certain SCOTUS decisions and certain SCOTUS nominations. But that's because it's an area that I watch.

So, I haven't limited myself to what I say or when I say it, simply because I was asked and agreed to be a mod.

I also don't see Rich taking a back seat on his posts. I see the other mods posting in other areas most of the time, so... I think what you are seeing is nothing more than shadows.

While I can't definitively say for anyone other than myself, I am not inhibited except by my own personal criteria and interests.

Pipoman, no. "Staff" have one identity. We abide by the same rules we ask all members to abide by.

Sorry. I was just saddened when I got to thinking (or maybe in this case, non-thinking) about the added burden that is placed upon Staff when they become Staff.

That it seems that more and more of their time is "policing" and very little time contributing to the board/threads/issues.

That because Staff is held to a most higher standard then general membership that I've seen many times when they wouldn't chime in when they would have done so as a general member.

They "change" from who they were to what they've become (Staff). And it changes the contributions that they had so readily given before.

Guarded, I guess that is the word for it. Staff is more guarded than they were as a general member. They can't be seen as playing favorites, they have the harsh job of banning even if it's someone that they respect and enjoy (labgrade comes to mind from THR), and become abet "hardened".

And this shows through their responses on the board.

I don't know (I was just basically putting out my thoughts on the board pertaining to this issue, just the musings of a member). I just find it great when a member is asked to take on such responsibility but at the same time I am saddened that they will never be like they once were.

As for the rest of the original post, it was just a cascade of thoughts jumbled together to basically say what I've said here for clarification :).

And to ensure that it is On-Topic, it was just a suggestion for the Staff to still contribute as they had as a general member even if you have the job of Staff.

(I really don't want Capt Charlie to be taken from us with his contributions (I guess this is what started this thing). He is one of the members that I hold some of the highest respects for, as a person as well as a member. I don't want him to have to be guarded or to feel as if he has to contribute less because of the new position)).


*edited: I need to learn how to spell or slow down in my typing so that I don't misspell as much :(

Thank you for that, but don't expect my posts to diminish anytime soon :) . When I was approached about becoming staff, nobody even hinted that I should cut back or change my opinions or approach. To the contrary, I've been typing my fingers off up in T&T :D . Occasionally there is a need for "policing", but I'm trying to keep that to a minimum and with a soft handed approach. I think everyone, including staff, goes through cycles of inactivity in their posting. (I've noticed the scarcity of a few when deer season came in ;) ). Maybe you're noticing those cycles. So unless someone offers me a vacation on a warm sunny beach somewhere, surrounded by babes and booze, I ain't going anywhere anytime soon :D .

Good to hear. I will admit that over the years I've seen Staff go into silent modes before and then some cease to become members and only watchers.

Sad event in most cases.

Okay, now I sit here, at a very extreme loss of words. I don't know what to say next to add or continue this thread so therefore, I think that now I will take my leave and read two months worth of SWAT as well as look over the goodies that SOG has to offer.
