Novak Rear Sights for Glock 27


New member
Have you had any experience with Novak Rear Sights? They look really good and I like the low mount. I also like the fact that they use Trijicon in their night sights. Initially I was looking at a Heinie Slant Pro, but I prefer the three dot sight picture. What is you opinion about Novak's? Would you put them in?
Used Novak's quite a bit for CCW and IDPA, etc.
they're excellent & think their Bar-Dot Trit. is better
than Heinie's Dot-over-Dot. Have them on two Hipowers
with all-black rear & gold-dot front that like even better than black-on-black for IDPA.
I used Novak's rear sight on a Glock 23, with fairly good
result's; but I kept the Glock's original plastic sight's on
my G-27.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
MSPHUNTER, Novak's 45 shop doesn't exclusively use Trijicon inserts in their sights. You may have different inserts if you desire. With this said I like Novak's sights very well. Why? In my dotage I can still see them in daylight or at night. Regards, Richard