nothing to do with guns- I need advice on building a fence

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New member
I just recently got a German Short Haired pup. The backyard is almost completely fenced except for about 20 feet that is between our detached garage and house. I need to put up some sort of fence to keep the dog in. I would just use chain link, but the area where the fence needs to go in covered with concrete. I don't want to spend a boat load of money on this fence, and I don't think the landlord would like me busting holes in the concrete to set posts. Any ideas?
Do you have a woodstove (if not, then get a little potbelly for the garage - just in case). If so, build it out of two cords of firewood, 2-foot lengths, 6 ft high, 20 feet long - the ends supported by the two buildings. You can always use the wood if necessary. If you get unsplit logs, the round ends will look nicer.
star drill bit, lag bolts into those expanding anchor thingies, steel "L" brackets, 4x4 posts......and whatever you wish for fencing.
Make sure the holes and brackets are perpendicular to the run of the fence

When you move you can easily and cheaply patch the holes you drilled in the concrete

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC, You really are an amazing person! :)

"The harshest tyranny is that which is under the protection of legality and the banner of justice." Montesquieu
Thanks for all the advice. The firewood would be great but I have no fireplace. I think the L bracket idea with concrete anchors will do the trick.
Good. Further discussion can be handled via e-mail or in the Range House.

Nothing to do with guns!

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