'nother HD scenario


New member
You are home alone, upstairs, getting ready for bed when you hear a noise from the front door. You grab your gun and cover the staircase, and challenge the man coming up the stairs.

He stops, raises his hands in front of him and says "Hey man/lady, my car broke down; I saw your lights, it's ok, I just want to use your phone" continues slowly up stairs "Calm down, you don't need that gun; I just want to call someone to help me with my car".

What now?
Use the command voice: STOP RIGHT THERE. Turn around and leave the house, I will call help for you. If you do not do this, you will be shot.

They keep moving, POP POP, POP. Merry X-Mas.
Ditto Jayman. Order him to stop and get out, if he keeps advancing, well shame on him. Anyone who keeps advancing after that warning thinks that he is good enough to get the gun away from you.
Order him to stop or you will shoot. If he advances shoot.

Tell him to stay where he is. Call the police. Have them sort it out.

Michael :cool:
Gunter, let me get this straight. Do you go to bed at night without locking your front door??

If not, then according to your scenario, the guy has broken through your door and is coming at you.

If it were I, in that scenario where someone has broken through my door, that guy will end up in an autopsy room at the morgue, the instant I see him. He means to do harm to me and my family.

If I'd been so careless as to leave the door unlocked... the guy has absolutely no right to enter my home, anyway. If he takes one more step toward me..... see above solution.

In my...

...previous state of residence (GA), they went so far as to pass a law recently clarifying that anyone in your home at night without your permission was basically bought and paid for.

"STOP or I will SHOOT!"
He so much as sets one foot on the next higher stair, and...
Dial 911.
In Colorado thats a no brainer.. BANG BANG BANG.. since h'es gotten through my steel gate and my deadbolt.

Oh and in my house he'd be coming down the stairs.
Any sane person who is really in need of help will stop/retreat when confronted with a weapon. If he continues the advance, this alone indicates his bad intentions.
I'd tell him not to move, as that would only piss off the dogs that would be trying to eat his *** whole.

Darn, it's gonna be hard to get all that blood off the stairs and the big pool of gore in the entryway where he ends up laying until the police show up...
If he was coming down my hall after getting past my deadblots I would have to say he would be DRT. Then call the police and tell them to come and bring Ambulance. Probable accomplice in the house or leaving in the so called 'broken down car". No one could be so friggin dumb.
I'm not bound by the same laws that you are but, regardless of that, the fact remains that the scenario described is way too close for comfort and the intruder is already in too deep.

You're reacting and you're reacting too slow. Had the guy had any good intentions, he would have announced himself by yelling a lot once he gained access to your home, he didnt'!

If he was as innoncent as he pretends, by yelling he would have scared you but also let you know that he was there and what his intentions were. you could have taken some measures previous to meet him and maybe under your conditions and not his, none of this happened.

You don't let these people have the initiative or you take it away from them at the first opportunity. If the guy is carrying a gun when you confront him, he will be able to shoot you before you let him have it. He'll be acting, you'll be reacting.

I'd let the intruder have a taste of my gun's load and then conduct my own stopping power evaluation test on his a$$. Then call 911 to have the body removed.:rolleyes:

I would shine a tac light in his face, take aim, and prepare for the worst, hope for the best. I would challenge him, just like many of the others, some thing to the tune of "Stop there, if you move forward i shoot", quick, simple. If he moves forward, double tap center mass. My wife would have already called the cops too.
One verbal warning...

then, if he advances even a bit, he'll get shot, no iffs, ands, or butts...

he BROKE IN to call for help? yeah, right...

he is coming UPSTAIRS to find a phone? yeah, Right...

I warn him once, and he keeps advancing, only wanting to call for help? yeah, right...

he is up to alot more than "calling for help" and the only help for him at that point, is a 12 Ga. round to the cranium...
Hmm...I would definitely go with "shoot first, ask questions later" -- anyone in my house is definitely hostile, having broken through a deadbolt. I don't have stairs, though.

However, what's this about firing at the center of mass? My copy of U.S. Army Field Manual FM-10-90 Appendix K, "Close Quarters Combat Techniques", states (with labelled diagram) that "The only shot placement that guarantees immediate and total incapacitation is one roughly centered in the face, below the middle of the forehead, and above the upper lip. Shots to the side of the head above the horizontal line passing through the ear opening to just below the crown of the skull and from the cheekbones rearward to the occipital lobe are also effective." It does, however, agree that you should double-tap, even with an burst/automatic-fire-capable assault rifle.
That manual is for people in the profession of killing people and breaking things, armed with appropriate tools and (hopefully) trained to hit what they aim for. And additionally not concerned about criminal and civil charges for "executing" someone, or issues of overpenetration.

I generally don't have my rifle on me in the house, and am not so trained in shooting at moving targets and would like to answer
the Question "why did you shoot him in the head" with "because the shots to the body didn't seem to be working".
Let's see. It's at night so he defeated my dead bolt. He then didn't move for the phone in the kitchen. And since he's coming up the stairs, it means he did something to take out my 120+lb. Newfoundland/Dalmation mixed breed.

The next sound is me emptying the clip from my USP .45 into his chest, followed by the *thump* *bump* *crash* of him falling backwards down the stairs.:)
This scenario is actually fairly similar to a shooting that took place several years ago in North Texas (as related to me in a CCW class I was in).

A doctor and his wife had decided to stay a few extra days at their lake house instead of leaving. They awake in the middle of the night to hear sounds of stuff crashing about. The doctor gets his handgun (believe it was a Beretta 92) and goes to check out the noise. He's slicing the pie and using good tactics and spots a man walking down the hallway towards him at about 10-15yds with a gun in one hand and eating a sandwich (made from stuff in the doctor's refrigerator) in the other.

The doctor takes cover behind the door jamb and has the guy lined up nicely with minimal exposure of himself - guy still doesn't see him. He decides to issue a verbal warning of "Stop right there!". Before he has finished "Stop" the guy is shooting back over his head while running away - both doctor and bad guy empty their mags with no hits. Bad guy escapes.

Doctor goes to check on wife who was calling 911 and she is screaming and bleeding quite a bit from the forehead. Luckily, it turns out it isn't from a bullet wound but a large splinter of wood that was driven into her forehead by a bullet striking part of the bed. Still, it gives you a pretty stomach-churning idea of what the consequences of a verbal warning might be.

The key difference here is the absence of a visible weapon. Based on that, if the door was locked and the guy had to break it down to get in, I'm firing. He got all the warning he is going to get when he chose to bypass the lock. Besides I live in Texas and down here we take a civilized view on self-defense.

If there is any reason to think he entered through an open door, I give him the "Stop! Show me your hands!" while S/O calls police. Failure to immediately comply = getting shot.
"That manual is for people in the profession of killing people and breaking things, armed with appropriate tools and (hopefully) trained to hit what they aim for. And additionally not concerned about criminal and civil charges for "executing" someone, or issues of overpenetration. "

Still. Presumably, they know what they're talking about...and if I'm going to shoot someone in self-defense, a shot that "guarantees immediate and total incapacitation" is definitely better than one that doesn't.

Further, the skull is the most solid bony structure in the human body, and therefore is best suited to preventing overpenetration of a bullet.